‘Gingerly Preparations’ Underway In Case Of Ginsburg Vacancy – IOTW Report

‘Gingerly Preparations’ Underway In Case Of Ginsburg Vacancy

DC: Quiet preparations are underway within conservative legal circles and the White House counsel’s office in the event that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires, two sources familiar with the process tell The Daily Caller.

The 85-year-old Ginsburg did not appear for oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Monday, missing the first session in her 25 years on the court for reasons of ill health. Ginsburg is currently recuperating from recent surgery to remove cancerous nodules from her lungs, marking her third bout with the disease.

“Gingerly preparations are underway, not just for Ginsburg but for any SCOTUS retirement,” a source directly involved in the Supreme Court nominations of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh told TheDC.

Another source emphasized to TheDC that the quiet preparations are all that is realistically needed in case of a vacancy on the court because much of the required infrastructure already exists within the White House.  MORE

37 Comments on ‘Gingerly Preparations’ Underway In Case Of Ginsburg Vacancy

  1. Wouldn’t it be an Armageddon of apoplexy if her retirement was announced within 24 hours of tonight’s Executive National Emergency Declaration?

    Schadenfreude will flow like Spice on Arrakis.

    SKIPPohhhhhrrrrrr Oh I see.

    Ginger: Shhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. Trying to retire on those mesothelioma profits no doubt.

    Having said that, the leftwing love affair with “Buzzy” crossed the line and into necrophilia when she died last year.

    It’s been Weekend at Buzzy’s ever since. Folks should have gotten suspicious when Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman became her law clerks and she wouldn’t take off her sunglasses during oral arguments. The scene where pigeons and crows landed on her while she “took in the air” on the courthouse steps following Weyerhauser v. Fish and Wildlife Service also seems less Snow Whitey in retrospect.

  4. If they can hide the dead, withered husk until the last year of Trump’s term, they can push the nomination fight off until 2021, and hope to beat Trump in 2020. Demand proof of life on a weekly basis, Republicans.

  5. She said in an interview just before her cancer operation that she was in good health. Did she “lack candor” or “misspeak” or, as the rest of us call it, just plain lying? Are Justices of the Supreme Court suppose to lie?

  6. Maybe you might not want to read this.
    Just tossing this out-
    Given that rbg has been very inanimate in recent appearances, and she is now reportedly in a debilitated state as a result of her recent thoracic surgery, with the resultant pain associated with her recovery, I will suggest that any future appearances of her will be very brief and controlled. Neck up, only, I bet. My concern is her susceptibility to contractures, especially if she is bed ridden. Definitely not a nice thing, but I can’t eliminate that as a possibility. Existing or occurring. And I’d think others share that concern, too.

  7. Overheard by a neighbor walking their dog past Ruthie’s garage….

    “Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha. Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha. Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha.”

  8. Bwahahaha … uhh … sorry … I meant to say (write) that that’s all sad, and shit … the movie just came out … y’know … like PT-109 … whaddayacallit? Hagiography?

    Saint Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg?
    Will she be canonized before they bury her rancid ass?

    Another in the series: “The Lies of Famous Mens (and Wymyns)”

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. When a member of the tribe kicks the can for the last time, the Jews don’t mess around. They’ll have to dig a hole for her, toss her in, and cover her up all within 24 hours. No foolin’ around with making them look lifelike and keeping them around in a casket for another week.

    They plant ’em pretty quick.

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