Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor — Incredible as that sounds – IOTW Report

Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor — Incredible as that sounds

FOX> John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

California’s primary setup is a great system for silencing and drowning out political minorities, and it has likely been a big help to California Democrats since it was adopted in 2010. This is why Cox’s polling gains are so important. more

11 Comments on Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor — Incredible as that sounds

  1. I’m ground zero on this shit so here’s the deal. We have two viable candidates for a Republican Gov. This guy, and Travis Allen. Honestly I prefer Travis Allen. But either way one of them needs to drop out before the State Primaries. And Back the other guy. Otherwise there’s no chance for a Republican, they’ll split the vote. Lot’s of bad rumors about Cox.

  2. michellesbigbeaver
    Probably not. But the level of “I’m so Gawd Damn Pissed” has hit a record high. Hard to compete with over 1 million illegals in L.A. Where most the electoral college votes reside. Same thing with Faggot ville.

  3. Brad, why I said that is I love to troll Progressive liberal sites. A huge percentage of posters in those sites are still blaming Ronald Reagan when he was governor for their financial problems. You cannot reason with that level of stupidity.

  4. Michellesbigbeaver

    The truth is, “Never.Going.To.Happen.” However don’t discount a shooting war. This is paramount, most conservatives in this state, including me, think the vote is fixed. So why bother. And many don’t. There was a local news article a couple days ago about how most mail in votes were eliminated because the signatures could not be verified. Guess how i’m forced to vote. What’s the point. I’m ready to lock and load. I’m not alone. They should stop fucking with us.

  5. A conservative governor would be great but unless he has a state assembly of conservatives the CA meltdown will continue. The illegal voter problem must be addressed also. A good earthquake shaking SF into the pacific might help also.

  6. It wouldn’t make a bit of difference if he did win. There are too many politicians in the statehouse and elsewhere who are making too much money off all the illegal things they’re doing, not to mention advancing their communist ideology.

    If he somehow manages to win, he’ll need President Trump’s smarts and a way to get around the hostile media or he’ll be able to accomplish little, if anything. There are few people with those talents.

    My wife wants to move to San Fran when I retire to be close to the daughter. She’s pissed at me because I told her she’d have to kill me – my retirement won’t support two of us at that cost of living. She may decide to take me up on it.


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