Girl Who Said Joe Biden Groped Her Disappears From Social Media – IOTW Report

Girl Who Said Joe Biden Groped Her Disappears From Social Media

EnVolve: An young girl who confessed that she was groped by then Vice President Joe Biden when she was 8 has suddenly disappeared from all social media sites.

On C-Span during a swearing-in ceremony in 2015, a video footage of Joe Biden went viral after it appeared to show him grabbing Montana Senator Steve Daines’ niece.

The little girl, Maria Piacesi, was only eight years old at the time. According to video footage and subsequence testimony, Biden groped the girls nipple right in front of the world’s TV cameras.

Six years later, Piacesi decided to speak out about the ordeal after citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti asked her about the incident.

“Did Joe Biden pinch you?” asked Pasetti asked on Tik Tok.

“Yes,” confirmed Maria Piacesi, who then deleted her comment.

POPTOPIC reports: “Why did you delete the comment?” Pasetti asked. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied. MORE HERE

21 Comments on Girl Who Said Joe Biden Groped Her Disappears From Social Media

  1. ““I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied.”

    …then they are NOT “freinds” at ALL, and never WERE.

  2. ““I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied.”

    This is the same reason her parents gave for not complaining about their daughter being a victim of the Pedo-in-chief.

  3. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied.”

    Run Maria!
    Jill Biden is neither a doctor nor your friend. Run and don’t look back

  4. It used to be when you shamed a queer now you are shamed.
    It used to be when you shamed a queer transvestite, now you are shamed.
    It used to be when you shamed a queer, transvestite pedophile, now you are shamed.

    See how that works?

    This poor child had her nipple pinched live on camera and yet millions upon millions of Americans voted for this obvious child molesting predator.

    The arc of history does not bend toward justice, it bends towards evil because earth belongs to Satan.

    In 20 years see with children will be normal. Just like how queers and transvestites are normal and acceptable now.

  5. Biden is a known predator and child molester. No doubt the young woman has ‘disappeared’ via the Biden character’s complicit agencies who also are involved with molesting and trafficking as participants.

  6. Now she will feel the wrath of the gentler and kinder party who will hunt her, shame her, & try to cancel a victim of the old Perv. and her Parent’s desire for popularity.

    Who knows, she probably still votes Demo like Lewinsky.

  7. Gee what happened to all that “girl power”?
    Oh. Only if you’re following the party line.
    This is disgusting and what’s worse is ALL the media is ignoring it or afraid to show it.

  8. Pedo Joe needs to be exposed, but I’m having more than a little trouble with a “citizen journalist” outing a fourteen year old girl who did not want to go public. Being 14 is hard enough without the sh*tstorm that she will get from the mean girl mob and demonic democrat adults. Where are her parents?

  9. All the leading ChiComs brought their toddler daughters to Mao.
    It seems to be part and parcel to nihilistic totalitarianism.
    “To be a socialist, one must be an Atheist.”
    (dead white dude)
    One must also be completely amoral. Utterly devoid of conscience and, apparently, a child molester.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. If some hostile government wanted to take out Biden, it would literally be child’s play. I’d like to see him go out that way, maybe stabbed in the thigh with botulinum as he feels up the little girl assassin he’s dandling on his knee.

  11. ” “Why did you delete the comment?” Pasetti asked. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied.”

    Then they’re NOT you fucking friends, kid. Hopefully someday you’ll understand that.


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