Girlfriend Sends Porn Star To Test Boyfriend, Plan Backfires – IOTW Report

Girlfriend Sends Porn Star To Test Boyfriend, Plan Backfires

3PercentNation: The woman thought was prepared for anything when she hired a porn star to test her boyfriend — but she wasn’t ready for what ultimately happened.

One woman hired porn star Valerie White to tempt away her man while the show, “To Catch A Cheater,” filmed the interaction, Mirror reports.

In the footage, one can see White attempt to flirt with the woman’s boyfriend. She doesn’t get very far, as he politely rejects her advances.

At one point, it looks like White might get somewhere when the man offers to help her as she looked “lost,” but it ends up just being a polite gesture.

When White pushes more aggressively to hang out with him, the man says he has a girlfriend.

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23 Comments on Girlfriend Sends Porn Star To Test Boyfriend, Plan Backfires

  1. He saw years ahead of dealing with her paranoia & God knows whatever other mental/character faults & decided to run, not walk, to the nearest exit.
    Smart choice; if more people were that pragmatic, there would be fewer divorces.

  2. Good one.

    When I was a younger man I had a buddy getting married. At the bachelor party like every other guy there I had way too much to drink. I was delivered home and promptly went to bed. The next morning my wife had breakfast waiting once I got up the next morning and I was a bit confused as I though I would be in the doghouse for coming home so drunk. Apparently when I went to bed I did not pull the covers over me and she was covering me up and I said “bitch, leave me alone I am a married man.”

  3. A guy’s at the bar after midnight telling a friend how he has to get home without the wife hearing him. He can’t stand the nagging. Asked how he usually get in he tells his friend how he pushes the car into the garage, removes his shoes, and slowly creeps in. The buddy says he squeals into the garage, stomps up the stairs, swings open the door and yells “Who’s horny”; his wife never stirs.
    Ok off post but too good to keep to myself. PS dump her now or regret for life.

  4. If she even thought for a moment that he might succumb to the temptation she should dump him. The fact that she set up this sting is grounds for him to dump her. The sabotage was all of her own making. The boyfriend is lucky to have escaped from this untrusting shrew.

  5. He dodged two bullets that day. Never have anything to do with a woman who comes onto you like that, and never stay with a girlfriend who sets you up like that. To hell with both those kinds of useless twats.

  6. We need to start Male Testicular Awareness Day in response to these insane feminists. I suggest a parade in San Francisco, kind of like homosexuals.
    Males can Display Testicles to the Crowd of Feminists and yell “Your Free to Suck Them!” because Males deserve to be free from oppressed, insane females anymore.
    OUR TIME HAS COME MALES! Rainbow flags are nice but putting up a White flag may send the wrong image so hang out your Balls.

  7. After a half hour of trying, the porn star makes a pass at the woman and they leave together, never to be seen again.
    Boyfriend lives happily ever after hunting and fishing.

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