Giuliani: Trump Should Attack Hillary, I’ll ‘Attack Everybody Else’ – IOTW Report

Giuliani: Trump Should Attack Hillary, I’ll ‘Attack Everybody Else’

DC: Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani advised Donald Trump on Tuesday to just attack Hillary Clinton and to let himself and other surrogates “attack everybody else.”

Appearing on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” Giuliani defended Trump arguing, “There’s a big difference between what Donald Trump did and Hillary Clinton lying directly to Gold Star mothers.”

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18 Comments on Giuliani: Trump Should Attack Hillary, I’ll ‘Attack Everybody Else’

  1. I have to agree. Trump needs to keep his focus on Hillary and all of her semi-trucks full of baggage. Hillary surrogates already have their marching orders to draw Trump out into fighting them. Then the Communist USA media can focus on that while letting Hillary take cover.

  2. I suspect Trump knows what he’s doing. The debates are soon, he plays the buffon and her guard is down. When it matters I think he’ll deliver.

    Gingrich and Christie have now joined the bash Trump team. Idiots on parade, they keep exposing themselves. Cory Lewowski,Manfafort, Buckananon and others are doing great. Giuliani needs to just do it and not play both sides of the coin.

  3. Trump should be constantly hitting Hillary. Every question he should do what Fiorina, Rubio and Christie were great at in debates, making it about her. He could have easily turned the interview with George Stephanppoulos about Khan re: sacrifice back on the Clintons’ – what have Bill and Hillary ever sacrificed. I want to win and she is the target – not the Khans, not whatever vessel they put forward to get under Trump’s skin – always Hillary, she needs to be hit every chance he gets.

  4. OK Rudy, it’s time to shit or get off the pot. If you are waiting for someone to say go here it is, GO LIKE HELL and don’t stop! That miserable piece of islamic crap kahn deserves all the verbal assaults that the elephants can throw at him. Feel free to jump on board.

  5. Trump needs to take Melania and his kids to a Caribbean Island for a week.
    Put down the tweeting phone, turn off the MSM, and meet with his kids to plan a strategy.
    He needs to cool it for just a brief enough time to get his shit together.

    Enough of this crap!
    Am I blaming the victim here?
    If he doesn’t realize what the MSM is doing he needs to be educated.
    Good grief Donald!

  6. Loco, you don’t really want Donald and the kids to go to the Caribbean do you? Also in the news lately is this thing called Zika, it seems the Caribbean is thick with it. I would rather He went to Churchill, Manitoba to see Polar Bears.

  7. Yep, this is it, over, done, up shit creek without a paddle, finished, kaput, the goose is cooked, The fat lady finally sings, the end of times, all washed up, no longer a chance in hell, Trump has really done it this time, it’s now a forgone conclusion. BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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