Give us a sign – IOTW Report

Give us a sign

h/t Fred.

14 Comments on Give us a sign

  1. Dang! A few hours ago. I decided to cancel my trip to Beatrice, Nebraska to see the solar eclipse. I was going to drive 800 miles to see it and had a great place in the middle of Nebraska farm land where I could be alone and undisturbed by idiots screaming and such while it was going on. I had a hotel room reserved in Marysville, KS for three months. Naturally, the weather is going to be mostly overcast with scattered thunder showers starting around noon. I tried to find a hotel room further east along the path of totality and with a better weather outlook, but the only one I could find was $564. No thanks! Oh well, there is another one in Texas in seven years if I’m still kicking.

  2. Dang Hambone, I spent the majority of my childhood in Beatrice Nebraska on Lincoln street, you know the racist guy. Left in ’82 after me daddy passed away and moved to Pawnee City for the rest of my edumacation. Just after Larry the Cable Guy.

    In Nebraska it’s easy, you are hated by everybody until they can trust you, we were racist like that. 🙂

  3. I also thought that this eclipse was a sign from God for all liberals to jump off any
    structure 100 feet or more. Including but not limited too tall buildings and cliffs.

  4. Hey, Reboot! The place I was going to watch the eclipse was just north of Beatrice a few miles. Just turn right on W. Elm Road and there’s a small cemetery a little way down on the right. There is a small parking area next to it with a tree to offer shade. I thought it would be a great place to be away from the crowds. I’ve always liked Nebraska and lived in Papillion and Bellevue when I was in the Air Force. My oldest son was born at the AF hospital at Offutt AFB. Three years ago, I took a road trip back to that area just to see how it had changed over 38 years. I went to the Walmart in Bellevue and couldn’t believe all the Mexicans there. I asked someone who had lived there all their life what they were doing there and they said the large meat packing plants brought them up to work in the packing plants around the Omaha area. I went to the SAC Museum near Ashland and while visiting the nearby McDonalds, I was surprised that the entire staff were white (racist no doubt) teenagers who were so polite and friendly, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. You’re not going to see that where I live. It was a good trip and I was looking forward to going back.

  5. Oh man Hambone….

    Sister used to be a cop in Ashland while her EX husband was a cop in Bellevue. Bellevue was the white libtard section of town and all racist. She moved on to be a shift sergeant in Lincoln PD today.

    Not a goddamn mexican outside of Scottsbluff area when I was a kid. Same for asians. That was all thrown at us in the late 70’s/80’s. Didn’t know what racism was until it was presented to us. We used to love eating with the mexican farm workers, beans and tortilla you would NOT believe.

    You wanna hear another story from my past? Boy’s Don’t Cry. Watch the real story, not the movie, it’s got my family all over it. ALL over it. Stretch was the woman killed by the phuckers in Humboldt and a best friend of the family’s, she used to baby sit my sister. I’d still hunt down and kill the phuckers.

    Sir Fur, another side of my history.

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