Giving a Handout Job – IOTW Report

Giving a Handout Job

Stilton’s Place: As the old saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t teach simple math to Bernie Sanders.” A saying which is particularly apt in light of the Vermont senator’s statement that he will soon be announcing a new federal jobs program which would guarantee a $15/hour job and health benefits to every adult American who “wants or needs one.”

Sure, such a program sounds like it would be prohibitively expensive, but surprisingly the whole thing could be funded simply by raising taxes so high that the evil rich and the somewhat-evil middle class will literally beg for quick, merciful deaths.

Even apart from the funding for such a program, we foresee a number of other problems with the idea:

• What the heck kind of jobs will these even be? Jobs in the actual government?! Because we’re not guessing that this new pool of workers would add much in the way of efficiency for our already hopelessly moribund bureaucracies. Or will the government create businesses which will compete with their private sector counterparts, who will be at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to getting employees or actually being profitable?  Keep Reading

15 Comments on Giving a Handout Job

  1. What the hell gives Bernie any right to talk about work. The lazy non productive turd got kicked.out of a hippie commune for being lazy. Last guy I would take work advice from.

  2. Bernie will use the federal land the government confiscated to start collective communes.
    Dead beat US Citizens will do less work at a higher wage than deported illegal aliens used to do.

  3. Someone tell Bernie that SWEDEN already tried the living wage experiment, and they cancelled it.

    Watch Europe.
    Observe their stupidity.
    Don’t repeat it here.

    Thank you.

  4. He tried carpentry and
    was run off the job in 1 week…
    There is a pattern here.Most libtards
    talk their game and can do nothing
    with their hands.I pulled a motor & transmiision
    outa my 95′ Nissan mini truck today.
    Balanced & Blue printed Stage I engine
    going back in.Motor is on the stand waiting
    on me! From 140hp to 210hp Ye Ha!


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