Glenn Close Cheney is going full-on Fatal Attraction – IOTW Report

Glenn Close Cheney is going full-on Fatal Attraction

Patriot Retort: Boy, Liz Cheney is not taking her break-up with the Republican Leadership at all well. In fact, she’s beginning to act like Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction.

Funny thing is, I said the same thing about Hillary Clinton after the 2016 election. Hillary, like Glenn Close, was acting like a chick that won’t let go.

Now Liz is giving Hillary quite a run for her money.

Fact is, the propagandists in the corporate media are more than happy to give an outsized platform to the bitter Glenn Close of the Republican caucus. Amplifying the so-called “schism” in the Republican Party suits their purposes. They certainly don’t care if Glenn Close Cheney is destroying her own political career in this scorched earth vendetta. She is a Republican after all.

Plus, the Democrats and their media handmaids are using the RussiaGate playbook on the events of January 6. And Glenn Close Cheney is more than happy to do her part to advance the nonsensical narrative that a crowd of angry demonstrators milling about the Capitol snapping selfies was the biggest threat “on our democracy” since the Civil War. more

19 Comments on Glenn Close Cheney is going full-on Fatal Attraction

  1. Drown in the vodka bottle traitor.
    Totally refuses to see that she had a VERY SMALL group of supporters.
    She is busy arguing semantics and ideals while on every fundamental level conservatives and undecideds are getting kneecapped by Biden policies and rampant inflation.

    She should be worrying about People & Jobs.

  2. Good comparison. I dated a Glenn Close-type and split with her a couple of decades ago. She has gone full Fatal Attraction psycho and has tracked me down. I’m more afraid of her than I am of Joe Biden.

    Trivia: Who said “Hell knoweth no fury like a woman scorned”? Hint: NOT Shakespeare.

  3. I do not understand people like that. She crapped all over her constituents, and then throws a fit when it comes back to bite her. Does she actually believe the whole world revolvs around her?

  4. The Bevs and Jackies are scared to death of Trump 2.0, especially since their chosen village idiot has nothing…or they would say so. Explains the anger.

    Isn’t this fun?

    2022 and 2024 can’t get here fast enough.

  5. As a proud member of the unhinged cult that knows that the last stolen election was the biggest political scandal in our country’s history, I want to go on the record as stating that Lizzy believes Donald Trump is a bigger threat to America than a demented fool and an ignorant slut. Cheney is on a pilgrimage from nothing to nowhere. Can’t wait to see her retire to Washington, District of Corruption to become a lobbyist for Facebook.

  6. Dianny did a really great write up on nutso Liz, especially this:

    So day after day these propagandists bring Cheney on for interview after interview after interview where she spews resentment and bile like a bitter Vesuvius.

    Bitter Vesuvius – that’s a memorable vision.

  7. @Bev

    Hey Bev, why so bitter? Tired of the senile old bumbler you supported or helped elect last November? His heart is going to explode and his brain, such as it is will collapse before he finishes his 4 year term as the weakest president since Peanuts Carter.

    Old man toe jam on toast? Such a foul thought seems vaguely British or Brit Commonwealth.

  8. Dang it. Got here too late to witness what some insane lefty spewed out here.

    Must have been a doozie by all the comments it generated.

    As for the subject of this post, I feel very fortunate my last GF, and her family, haven’t gone this route of being obsessed. They have an inherent head problem and wanted to blame everything conservative for her actions when she lost it back in 2010.

    Thanking God and not missing them.


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