Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship – IOTW Report

Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship

Founder of the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ after resigning due to censorship from editorial staff.

6 Comments on Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship

  1. OT
    Apparently BLMANTIFA are going Trick or Treating tonight. Somebody is organizing a “Night Of Mayhem”. Areas to be affected are the usual. They listed them by states so Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Oregon and Washington on high alert while North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, California, and New Mexico are listed as Moderate Alert.
    Just in case keep your eyes open. This kind of all of a sudden popped up.

  2. I’ve caught him on “Tucker” a number of times. Greenwald is a leftie, but he’s an honest guy, has more scruples than those asswipes over at PMSNBC, Commie News Network, etc. Glenn does the job that too many others refuse to do honestly. Good for him!

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