Glenn Greenwald on the Silicon Valley oligarchs – IOTW Report

Glenn Greenwald on the Silicon Valley oligarchs

Glenn Greenwald:
A handful of Silicon Valley oligarchs decide who can and cannot be heard, including the president of the United States. They exert this power unilaterally, with no standards, accountability or appeal.
Politics is now begging them to silence adversaries or permit allies to speak.

40 Comments on Glenn Greenwald on the Silicon Valley oligarchs

  1. I know the security detail hired by google. I know them well. They’ve eaten my flame burnt red meat often and we’ve gotten shit faced together many times. The non joke is, when the shooten starts, we’re diving out of the way.
    PS, they are fucking weird in the short run. But I do like them. A little battle fatigued. Oh wait, my WWII dad was battle Fatigued, and dealt with it, they may have PTSD.

  2. Greenwald had some observations and analyses yesterday worth reading. Highly recommended, in fact. One paragraph:

    The complete reversal in mentality from just a few months ago is dizzying. Those who spent the summer demanding the police be defunded are furious that the police response at the Capitol was insufficiently robust, violent and aggressive. Those who urged the abolition of prisons are demanding Trump supporters be imprisoned for years. Those who, under the banner of “anti-fascism,” demanded the firing of a top New York Times editor for publishing an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) advocating the deployment of the U.S. military to quell riots — a view deemed not just wrong but unspeakable in decent society — are today furious that the National Guard was not deployed at the Capitol to quash pro-Trump supporters. Antifa advocates are working to expose the names of Capitol protesters to empower the FBI to arrest them on terrorism charges. And while Rep. Cori Bush’s proposal to unseat members of Congress for their subversive views went mega-viral, many forget that in 1966, the Georgia State Legislature refused to seat Julian Bond after he refused to repudiate his anti-war work with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, then considered a domestic terrorist group.

    But I digress! Good to see you, LocoBS!

  3. “OK how are you people gonna let Brad write, “They’ve eaten my flame burnt red meat” and not make a dick joke out of it? ”

    Dang it. Gonna take a while to get all this ice tea off my computer screen.
    That’s it MJA, next 4th of July, you, Joe6 and wifey are at my place for burnt something. Anyone else that wants to attend is welcome too. Time to pull the masks off in light of what we are facing.
    I will reserve this right. If you post as Anon, your not welcome.

  4. What really got me to post was the fact that today was akin to the internet version of Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre

    The Tech oligarch billionaire douche-bags lined up conservatives against the wall and shot them E-dead.

    Yet so many morons are on twitter posting about this season’s Bachelor and the dildo lady.
    They have NO CLUE that today will indeed live in infamy.

  5. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

    Gotta be. Real bad shit coming. we are transitioning into a whole new arena. Fun Fun.

  6. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

    That’s a good perspective on where we are at. Now we just have to show some terrible resolve!

  7. A possible solution would have been a Conservative “Strike”. A stop work & fuck em, let the cities starve type thing. Where by Conservatives, producers of food, people who own land & territory just sit on their asses for 1 month while the Talking heads figure out how to plow a field, butcher a cow, pull oil from the ground, etc. All the stuff they are above doing.

    Even in the modern economy, 50% of the population not logging onto their work computers is a huge fuck up. From what I have seen, the lefties work slower and don’t give a shit about doing their jobs.

    How long can a latte soy fuck SJW sit in his condo starving versus a shithead like myself with a cellar full of food and the willingness to eat anything?

    You get what i’m saying. Leave them to the results of their own efforts.

    Ayn Rand & John Galt their asses for 4 years.

  8. @Lurker

    Physically the Cities are Blue, the Farms, oilfields, land masses are RED. very red. Geographically you boys contoll the land=Food=Water & resources.

    In Canuckistan it is the same. Land masses are conservative while cities are Handout takers. SOUTH Ontario elected our Cocksucker. North Ontario, Sask, Alberta, North Ontario, Rural BC all are Conservative up here.

  9. Believe me, Loco, I tried to teach them! I posted a “how to” for Gravatar TWICE! Sigh

    Oh, I seem to remember Fur telling me about me being on Twitchy. I looked at it and went, “Cool!” but now I don’t remember what it was about.

    My biggest claim to fame was when Thomas Lifson (American Thinker) did a short article on a post I did here. It was about the look that Obama was giving Hillary when she was running for prezy.

    You may now kiss my ring! 😉

  10. A small determined force of patriots is more than a match while facing a much larger gathering of undisciplined aggressors.
    There’s going to be some dark days ahead but they’re underestimation of our will is the weapon we’ll use to send them under.
    The one thing to keep in mind is that they are terrified of us!!!

  11. Either the Republicans deal with removing the Section 230 bullshit that has allowed this or it will lead to civil war. When entire populations are denied a voice it leads to war.

  12. @ LBS: I missed you too and am glad you’re back. AND, FWIW, God Bless ALL of you here! I cannot adequately express what joy, comfort and relief you give me and Mrs. Not At All Confused (formerly several other handles). Brad, I’d ask for an invitation but N CA is a bit far for a great meal, even if in the company of mental kin. The Mrs. can’t travel and I’m pretty old now…


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