Global warming creates desperate media lies – IOTW Report

Global warming creates desperate media lies

WaExaminer; The New York Times has published a misleading article claiming global warming is largely responsible for unauthorized immigrants entering the U.S. from Central America. The article, titled “A Warming World Creates Desperate People,” alleges global warming is causing crop failures in Central America, which in turn has forced people to flee north to the U.S. In reality, global and Central American crop production is at record levels. The true lesson from The New York Times’ article is a beneficial climate creates desperate media lies.

According to the Times, “Drought and rising temperatures in Guatemala are making it harder for people to make a living or even survive, thus compounding the already tenuous political situation for the 16.6 million people who live there.” The article focuses specifically on coffee production, quoting “one young farmer” who said, “We can’t make a living purely off coffee anymore.” The article then asserts global warming is causing coffee crop failures that are inducing people to enter the U.S. without authorization.

Objective facts obliterate this fictitious narrative. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s June 2018 publication “Coffee: World Markets and Trade,” the 2017–18 coffee season produced the second highest global coffee crop on record and narrowly fell short of the record 2016–17 season. And the 2016–17 season will likely not remain in the record books for long. “World coffee production for 2018/19 is forecast 11.4 million bags higher than the previous year at a record 171.2 million,” according to the USDA report. The current forecast is a full 6 percent above the previous record yield. That will make 2016–18 the three years with the largest coffee production in recorded history.  more here

7 Comments on Global warming creates desperate media lies

  1. I don’t supposed third-world countries being run into the ground by tyrannical despots ever has anything to do with increases in the number of people starving, does it?

  2. “Desperate media lies” is about all we see in the News. It’s to the point where there is no benefit to reading any of it, but I suppose that is what they want. Obfuscate the truth and keep people easily herded. Strange times.

  3. Remember when Barky claimed that the Syrian civil war was caused by climate change? And the scientists/media waited until 2017 to walk that bullshit back? That all really happened, trolls. As long as you’re here trolling, somebody should put you some information.

  4. Haven’t we heard from open border progressives about migrants coming to America for a better life – With their children, of course, and who can be against children? If global warming is responsible for people realizing a better life, then global warming is suddenly a good thing. That’s how the story came across to me.

  5. Globull warming is a globull lie. Always has been and always will be just like Summer is hot and Winter is cold every year. It’s totally predictable, but libs always have to have something to bitch about so they lie about everything including that it’s mans fault for globull warming etc. Have they ever considered that maybe God knows what he’s doing with alternating seasons of hot and cold? Nah, probably not!

  6. I’m always amazed at the lengths that the NY Slimes goes to contort the news to promote a debunked issue. They simply have no ethics and should not be in the news business. The NYT is not alone by any means. Most print media now days is written to grab attention, or clickbait in print, to increase sales.
    Todays print media is 1850’s technology and is not where the informed citizen gets their knowledge. The sooner this dinosaur business collapses the better we will all be.
    I don’t believe a damn thing I read and only half of what I see with my own eyes thanks to the lying and distorted info print media. Die already, and take Hillary and about a dozen more of her ilk with ya.

  7. I always get a chuckle when they whine about the western ice shelf of Antarctica melting…and all the dire predictions of rising oceans.

    They conveniently omit the fact that the eastern ice shelf is growing….for a net increase of total ice.

    In other words Antarctica is getting bigger not smaller.

    The lying sons-a-bitches.


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