Globalist Mitch McConnell Welcomes Legislation To Block President Trump Trade Policy – IOTW Report

Globalist Mitch McConnell Welcomes Legislation To Block President Trump Trade Policy

CTH: There are Trillions At Stake.   There is no upper limit to what congress is willing to do to stop President Trump from turning off the lobbyist funding.  Without influence in DC there can be no affluence in DC.  That’s why McConnell cancelled the recess.

If the president continues to remain focused exclusively on what is in the U.S. best interests, he must be stopped.  Politicians in DC cannot just sit-by and allow the U.S. economy to be based on the interests of Americans; it would mean the destruction of years of central planning by DC Lobbyists, multinational banks, Wall Street and multinational corporations.

WASHINGTON DC – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that he will not bring up a freestanding bill to push back on President Trump’s trade agenda, but that GOP senators might be able to add it as an amendment to other legislation.

Support among Republicans has grown for legislation backed by Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) that would give Congress power to authorize or reject any new tariffs imposed because of national security concerns.

GOP senators says McConnell doesn’t want to risk a confrontation with the president but also wants to be responsive to the concerns of colleagues who think Trump’s trade agenda has run amuck.  (read more)

♦POTUS Trump is disrupting the global order of things in order to protect and preserve the shrinking interests of the U.S.  He is fighting, almost single-handed, at the threshold of the abyss.  Our interests, our position, is zero-sum. Our opposition seeks to repel and retain the status-quo. They were on the cusp of full economic victory over the U.S.

In these economic endeavors President Trump is disrupting decades of financial interests who use the U.S. as a host for their ideological endeavors.  President Trump is confronting multinational corporations and the global constructs of economic systems that were put in place to the detriment of the host (USA) ie. YOU.  There are trillions at stake; it is all about the economics; everything else is chaff and countermeasures.

Familiar faces, perhaps faces you previously thought were decent, are now revealing their alignment with larger entities that are our abusers.

We are already familiar how China, Mexico and ASEAN nations export our raw materials (ore, coking coal, rare earth minerals etc.).  The raw material to manufacture goods are then trans-shipped back into the U.S. for purchase.  more here



McConnell Cancels August Recess


10 Comments on Globalist Mitch McConnell Welcomes Legislation To Block President Trump Trade Policy

  1. That snake has been working diligently against the president’s agenda from the get go. He’s an underhanded scumbag that cares nothing about the best interests of the public and is well compensated for his treachery. So now he’s concerned about the wishes of the disgraced and retiring Corker?
    And how many people are aware that he’s received millions from Chinese connections?

  2. Mitch may as well have been a democrat for all the harm he’s done the party and country. There is a complete disconnect between these self serving politicians and the will of the people. A Gordian knot of corruption that even Trumps best efforts are failing to cut so far.

  3. “reject any new tariffs imposed because of national security concerns.”

    there it is again, those pesky national security concerns.

    they seem to always favor the deep state.

    i wonder why that is ?

  4. You have to ax y’seff, tho, how come the whole country just sits around with its collective thumb up its collective ass, waiting and hoping that President Trump will foil these traitors? Or, on the other hand (thumb) the parasites and maggots just keep waiting and hoping that another shit-bag faggot like Obola will show up and lead the way to the socialist paradise of free-shit and unicorns?

    If American mal-education has been so stupendously successful, shouldn’t we be making that a priority? Sorry – THE priority?

    America didn’t just wake up one day lazy and stupid. Nor did great swaths of Americans simply wake up lazy and stupid.

    I spoke to a guy yesterday who told me he was getting ready to buy his daughter a car and that she was being picky about what she wanted. I told him that no one had ever bought me a car – picky or not. And he said that no one had ever bought him one, either. It all just struck me as odd.

    izlamo delenda est …


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