Globalists’ Latest Push: Mass Deportation ‘Morally Unacceptable,’ Amnesty is Necessary – IOTW Report

Globalists’ Latest Push: Mass Deportation ‘Morally Unacceptable,’ Amnesty is Necessary


The latest push by the globalist apparatus includes amnesty for all 12 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the United States and allowing India and China to monopolize the U.S. legal immigration system.

The Brookings Institute’s William Galston — who has called populism the enemy of democracy — and neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol have released a joint policy brief for their The New Center think tank which advocates giving amnesty to illegal aliens and ending the country-caps in the U.S. legal immigration system. the policy brief states:

It is unacceptable to have over 11 million people living illegally in America. But mass deportation is unacceptable too — both morally and logistically. Unauthorized immigrants living the U.S. should be brought out of the shadows and offered a long and rigorous road toward citizenship that depends on maintaining clean criminal records, paying taxes, and meeting several other requirements.

Aside from ending deportations and providing amnesty to the entire illegal population, the Galston and Kristol agenda also includes allowing countries like India and China to monopolize the U.S. legal immigration system, a plan that would drive down white-collar U.S. wages and further displace Americans in professional jobs.  more here

15 Comments on Globalists’ Latest Push: Mass Deportation ‘Morally Unacceptable,’ Amnesty is Necessary

  1. I can’t think of a bigger piece of shit than Bill Kristol. I caught Charles Payne on Fox and Friends a week or two ago saying the Silicon Valley elites need to decide whether or not they want to take the next step into absolute Socialism. he added, but of course at that time those people and the directors stop making money. It was freaken marvelous. That dude is by far the smartest guy on FOX.

  2. Cut foreign aid to those who don’t need it. Give $20000 to anyone who wants to move to Africa. A family of four ($80000)could easily buy 40 acres and a mule. Many will take the chance and the unemployment and welfare will slow down and the whole scheme will pay for itself. Mostly poor and lazy will go. DO the math!!! $1,000,000,000,000,000 / $20,000 equals opportunity!!! One condition == Can’t come back!!!

  3. Note how all of these “superior” people who are so much smarter than us serfs (who actually pay taxes and make money legally) are filthy rich. They will never even see the effects of unchecked illegal immigration because they have literal walls of protection around them. No, they will just use normal taxpaying Americans to do their dirty work and, of course, pay for votes. Don’t wonder why Social Security is going bankrupt in 2034. Craven, evil, politicians and their buddies, the mega-rich, don’t care.

  4. One of the most important benefits of the Trump presidency has been the exposure of these swine. For years they were posing as true conservatives while behind the scenes stabbing us in the back. They have been laid bare for all to see just what scum we had in our midst.

  5. It’d be well worth the money to buy a private island and boot fathead Kristol and his ilk out. Of course there’s plenty of “unauthorized immigrants” to send with to service their needs.
    I’d name it… oh, something similar to Ellis Island, where they can process/intake all the immigrants they need.
    Elite Island seems apropos.

  6. Reagan tried a blanket amnesty and all we got was more illegals due to porous borders and the lack of a wall. We have to toughen our laws and make illegal entry a felony with severe penalties. If we do not fix this now we will lose the country we grew up in and have nothing but welfare states along our southern border. It ain’t gonna get no better unless we tighten up.

  7. We already have “a long, rigorous road toward citizenship”. Unfortunately, far too many people chose to go off-road. What is so wrong about wanting to help these poor people by sending them back where their journey began, and setting them on that “long, rigorous road towards citizenship”?

  8. Why go down that “long and rigorous road toward citizenship that depends on maintaining clean criminal records, paying taxes, and meeting several other requirements.”

    The illegals have been sneaking in for decades and getting all they want without becoming citizens. Why should they bother with citizenship? What’s in it for them? It will only be an option if the wall goes up and we herd the illegals and send them back to their crap-holes where they can apply legally to enter the country.

    Head ’em Up…Move ’em Out.


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