Glue would stick pedestrian to Google self-driving car after collision – IOTW Report

Glue would stick pedestrian to Google self-driving car after collision

I can’t stop laughing!!!

google car flypaper

MercuryNews: MOUNTAIN VIEW — In a world with self-driving cars, Google envisions the inevitable: accidents involving pedestrians.

But the firm is exploring an unusual solution. Think flypaper.

The company received a patent Tuesday describing a way to reduce pedestrian injuries in an accident with a robotic vehicle. The impact of the crash, Google suggests, would expose a coating that glues the person to the front of the car.

“The adhesive layer may be a very sticky material and operate in a manner similar to flypaper, or double-sided duct tape,” the patent said. Read more

8 Comments on Glue would stick pedestrian to Google self-driving car after collision

  1. Think flypaper? No. Think lawsuit.

    Driverless car comes to pick up a passenger. Big load of bird crap on windshield. Passenger leans across with wet rag to clean windshield. Passenger becomes hood ornament.

    I simply cannot believe that the people who thought this up and went to the trouble to get a patent on it actually, literally, think that the adhesive setup will be used the way they describe. That raises the question: what are they really planning?

  2. I can imagine a person getting stuck on the hood with their feet stuck near a tire and before the car senses it needs to stop, the victim is pretty much a pretzel. lol

  3. This is from the company who’s greatest internet innovation was disabling the ‘back’ button on the browser (as is now the case with this site).
    This is an equally worthwhile endeavor as the struck pedestrian can be transported to the nearest Google facility and disposed of.

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