GM Reveals Plans To Produce Flying Chairs – IOTW Report

GM Reveals Plans To Produce Flying Chairs


On Tuesday, General Motors unveiled plans to mass-produce flying vehicles. GM said a single-passenger flying Cadillac could become reality over the next few years.

“We are preparing for a world where advances in electric and autonomous technology make personal air travel possible,” Michael Simcoe, Vice President of Global Design at GM said.

The four-rotor vehicle would be able to take-off and land on rooftops, as well as develop in air speed of up to 55 miles per hour. more

SNIP: What about DUI?

42 Comments on GM Reveals Plans To Produce Flying Chairs

  1. …the flying car concept died because non-pilots could not be trusted to take fuel seriously enough, and if these use lithium batteries that have a STEEP power loss curve and give little to no warning, these will be deadly even if you ARE watching…

    …at least a winged vehicle can glide. What THEY are proposing will drop like a rock, or at best autorotate straight down into whatever, usually breaking your back at a MINIMUM and God help what you LAND on because you WON’T be able to steer away from it even if you WANT to…

  2. One stray bird dropping and the whole thing shuts down. lol

    Say, will they be doing automatic updates? Even while you’re flying it? lol
    “This update requires restart”


  3. So now instead of a D.U.I. they’ll get a F.U.I. (you can complete the initials to your satisfaction). The biggest problem for the police will be to get them on the ground to write the ticket, unless they crash first, or the police have a device to override the controls to bring them down. Just writing a ticket and sending it to vehicle’s registered address won’t work, because the owner will just say someone else was using it and facial recognition won’t work as proof if the person is wearing a helmet with a tinted face shield.

  4. These highchairs will positively delight terrorists. Note that Simcoe did give a nod to “autonomous technology” so it isn’t obvious that an actual occupant of the thing is required. How about a manikin molded from plastic explosive?

  5. …also, I spend a LOT of time working on advanced machine control systems all day, and even though they are NOT at the SEVERELY restricted levels of who can work on them and what parts can be used, I am still quite expensive and the parts are quite expensive.

    Make that x100 for something that flies and is heavily regulated that detailed records will need to be kept for, add in replacing hugely expensive rare-earth batteries that have to have a VERY specific shape and weight, and it becomes manifest that this will NOT be a transportation system that Bob Smith and Betty Jones will be able to afford.’s like buying a boat.

    The initial purchase price is very high, true.

    …but the maintenance price will be the REAL expense on this…

  6. taxpayer bailout allows them to come up with retarded ideas. GM will always overshoot, it’s the company mission at its core. The few good products they had in the past got over bloated with crap no one asked for until it doesn’t sell and then gets canceled, but not before the company loses billions. No one asked for a flying chair. This too will bury the company. Nothing changes at GM.

  7. …also too, when I was working with Air Ambulance helicopters, they always taught us the WORST part was that they would crash in a CIRCLE, meaning they’d dig in and flop around like a break dancer doing a coffee grinder impersonation, flinging heavy parts at high speeds at the ENTIRE surrounding landscape the whole time.

    …they weren’t wrong…

    …and THIS thing has MULTIPLE rotor blades!

    …Jesus Wept…

    …speaking of the Lord, I once worked with a guy in my second garage job who was an ex-Vietnam helicopter mechanic. When talking about it, he would sometimes refer to the “Jesus Nut”. I asked him what this meant, and he said that there was a nut on the main rotor that had to be in VERY good shape abd tightened to a VERY specific torque with a VERY specific tool, because if it ever came off you “were going to see Jesus” because you were in a completlely uncontrolled falling metal coffin at that point.

    …and again, this one has MULTIPLE rotors.

    …what happens if ONE comes off…

  8. Tony R
    JANUARY 13, 2021 AT 11:51 AM
    “Does it have a built-in commode?” worries, first turbulence or pop-up storm, you’re going to be pissing yourself regardless…

  9. I can’t drive from here to Walmart without encountering two or three center-line-crossing morons playing on their phones while pretending to drive. NOW we want to put em in the air!
    Ya gotta be shittin me!

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Terrible idea. But it will give Airliner CEOs some headaches and upset tummies.

    If it comes to millions of these things flying around, I’ll stay earthbound, which of course won’t protect me when they collide and crash on my house.

    The idea give me the shivers.


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