Go On the Offensive In Georgia – IOTW Report

Go On the Offensive In Georgia

Townhall: The battle over this bullSchiff presidential election has had the fringe benefit of exposing exactly what the scams, grifts, and cons the Dems will use to try to steal the January 5, 2021 Georgia Senate run-off elections. What the GOP needs to do is to keep up the fight to count every legal vote in the presidential race while ensuring that the Dems can’t pull off the same scam again in two months. Yeah, we need to do two things at once. Yes, it will be hard. So what? 

The political team has plenty of munitions to drop on the two undistinguished Dem losers trying to steal these seats. David Perdue’s opponent Jon Ossoff is a Beto-like weasel, but it’s unclear if he is a furry too and if he gets off dressing like a weasel. He’s one of those shiny, young Democrats who is essentially an empty vessel into which blue state donors can pour money and Chuck Schumer can pour leftism. He tries to play moderate but he’ll dance to whoever is playing the tune – in this case, the Marxist Tabernacle Choir.

Kelly Loeffler’s opponent, Raphael Warnock, is a full-fledged Castro-kissing commie. He did significantly worse than Ossoff in the general, and maybe the wife-abuse accusations had something to do with it. By the way, the garbage Atlanta Journal-Constitution hilariously headlined it this way: “Warnock, wife involved in dispute.” The article text notes that the Democrat “was accused by his wife of running over her foot with his car during a heated argument days before he filed paperwork to officially seek the office.” Yeah, that would technically count as a “dispute” in my book. I’m sure if it was a Republican, the headline would be “Slobbering GOP brute runs over woman in racist hate crime.” Regardless, we have a chance to define the guy trying to abuse the woman as the guy who has abused a woman. read more

3 Comments on Go On the Offensive In Georgia

  1. Kurt and Derek Hunter always get My attention on Townhall.. Although I was

    disappointed in Derek’s column Yesterday…He’s one of the Good Ones..

    Kurt could never Write another Column again…and I’d still be eternally

    grateful for Coining the Phrase “Grandpa Badfinger”

    Oh…and on My usual sidenote….We got this.

  2. “What the GOP needs to do is to keep up the fight to count every legal vote in the presidential race …… ”

    How do you determine which vote is legal and is counted without also counting the ones that are illegal?

    You can go through the voter rolls and find illegal voters, but the ballots are separated from and anonymous to the individual voter information and cannot be directly tied to any specific voter to know if they were cast by a legal or an illegal voter.

    I don’t see any easy resolution to this beyond just verifying all the ballots were counted and the proper credit is given to the candidate they were cast for.

    Any workable ideas?

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