Go Quickly, Feminists! You Are Needed In Iran! – IOTW Report

Go Quickly, Feminists! You Are Needed In Iran!

It shocks the senses but is in keeping with their hypocrisy and misogyny. – story

13 Comments on Go Quickly, Feminists! You Are Needed In Iran!

  1. Where is the media cliche’ Women and Children Hardest Hit. Oh, never mind. If they can’t exploit it to advance the Progressive/Marxist/Satanist agenda….

    Anyone who concedes good intentions and/or does not reject Satan and all he stands for is complicit and since the masks came off in 2020 the proposition that anyone is not aware of what they support is ludicrous.

  2. If this islamic punishment occurred here, how many U.S. Women would be vocal and strong enough to refuse to wear a hijab?

    How many U.S. Women are vocal and stand against islamic Honor Killing of daughters that happens in the U.S.?

    The teachings of mohammad are pure Evil.

  3. nope … didn’t happen …. bloviating bovine excrement …. no pics?

    74 lashes??? we’re talkin’ at least a teeny bit of skin blemish ….. nope, nothing …. maybe I’m missing something here

    call me Mr. Skeptical

  4. …just an aside here on differences between Muslim and Jewish ancient standards of justice.

    In Old Testament law, any flogging over the count of 40 was considered a source of deep shame.

    To the person doing the flogging.

    “”but the judge must not impose more than forty lashes. If the guilty party is flogged more than that, your fellow Israelite will be degraded in your eyes.” (Deut. 25:3 NIV)”

    …Rabbis generally restricted that to 39 for extra cushion, in case of a miscount. Again, this was to save the person DOING the flogging embarrassment, as the Torah proscribes it and also suggest he ain’t doing his job if he needs more.


    …and THIS lady, in the nastiest land in the WORLD, facing the prospect of a FULL GROSS (144) lashes VEHEMENTLY applied, stares down the 7th Century scumbag and REFUSES to comply STILL, and tells him to jam his Koran under his arm and DO it.

    …Screw Miss Marvel.

    Make a superhero movie with THIS gal!

    …but of course they won’t.

    Might offend some Neanderthal followers of a religion mocking pedophile.

    It is The Current Year.

    Can’t have THAT, can we?

    …pray the Lord numbs her wounds, grants her the strength to resist, and lets her story be known DESPITE our pedophile loving press, thar she may set an example for others, and maybe open some eyes to the barbarity our OWN Pedophile continues to import, that people may truly understand the snake they are taking to their breast.


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