GOA Urges Senators to Grill Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen over Alleged Privacy Violations of Gun Buyers – IOTW Report

GOA Urges Senators to Grill Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen over Alleged Privacy Violations of Gun Buyers


Gun Owners of America (GOA) is urging senators to grill Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Thursday over alleged privacy violations of gun buyers.

Yellen is scheduled to appear before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on Thursday.

FOX News reported that GOA is reacting to news that “federal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions for terms related to the firearms industry.”

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s director of federal affairs, sent a letter to senators in which he wrote, “Congress cannot allow the federal government to continue establishing and expanding databases on guns and gun owners.” more

15 Comments on GOA Urges Senators to Grill Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen over Alleged Privacy Violations of Gun Buyers

  1. B R E A Ki N G

    Just now

    Debbie Dingleberry had a complete breakdown on CNN
    even said some stuff she probablyn’t shouldn’t of

    Dingleberry Strikes again

    Holy cow
    must see and go back and snatch it
    right away


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