‘God help us’: Thousands of Quebecers protest COVID mandates that continue to limit their freedoms – IOTW Report

‘God help us’: Thousands of Quebecers protest COVID mandates that continue to limit their freedoms

Rebel News: I attended a protest in Montreal concerning the vaccine mandates which would have allowed institutions to terminate thousands of employees over their vaccination status. We are not only talking about healthcare workers — but many other professional fields where individuals’ careers were threatened because of their choice not to take the vaccine.

That day, many thousands of people showed up, despite the rainy forecast. Speaking with many of them, it was clear that many had been impacted and many were still experiencing psychological and emotional distress. During this protest, a large group of people united in order to spell out, with signs, a message that would be visible from the sky. MORE

5 Comments on ‘God help us’: Thousands of Quebecers protest COVID mandates that continue to limit their freedoms

  1. Deplorable 2nd Class…Thanks, for the video…a short declaration to the people of Australia.

    We are with you, as all Americans should be. As this is a new and still-evolving situation, just like it happened all of a sudden in the thirties with Hitler and the Nazi’s.

    And, now, it appears happening over the globe on account of a needle prick and the panic and fear that followed; and, the needed fear and past disarmament of the Australian people for these Neo-Nazis to light their hellish flame again.

    Tyranny may control and dominate from the end of a gun, but so does freedom and an over-burgeoning populace of those, whose hearts burn with the flame of Freedom that shall overcome these power-mad temporary scoundrels…while they are in power.

    Identify, collect names, and addresses of these suddenly-new power-crazed oppressors. so that all of us, world-wide, shall re-convene, capture, and meet again at a new Nuremberg.


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