God Save America – From Joe Biden – IOTW Report

God Save America – From Joe Biden

Townhall | Michael Reagan:

Build Back Better.

Build Back Better.

Build Back Better.

Try saying Joe Biden’s clunky campaign slogan three times fast without gagging – or laughing.

Biden is obviously cognitively impaired, he’s morphed into a Bernie Sanders lefty and he’s been making wrong decisions about race and foreign policy for half a century in Washington.

Yet his boosters and protectors in the liberal media would have us believe that if he’s elected president America’s serious problems will miraculously disappear.

The COVID-19 pandemic will vanish overnight.

Rioters and anarchists will no longer disrupt or destroy the downtowns of cities like Portland.

And, faster than you can say Barack Obama, young black males in Chicago will stop their tradition of killing each other at the rate of about 10 per week, turn in their Glocks, and become school crossing guards. more

15 Comments on God Save America – From Joe Biden

  1. “The COVID-19 pandemic will vanish overnight.”

    It will vanish overnight. On November 4th, it will no longer exist. Either Biden wins, and the virus amazingly dies, or Trump wins and the riots start and the virus is forgotten about.

    You better prepare for both, and you better get out and vote. And if you are in a state sending out ballots to everyone, send it in, and go to the poll. You may get caught, but it will show the legitimacy of voter fraud.

  2. Or he went to Chili’s recently and is getting his slogan all mixed up with his dinner order: I want my baby back, baby back, baby back…I want my baby back, baby back, baby back…Chili’s baby back ribs…Chili’s baby back ribs…Barbecue Sauce

  3. Stinkfinger
    He’s the man
    The man with the Lolita touch
    A spider’s touch
    Such a stink finger
    Beckons you to enter his web of sin
    But don’t go in

    olden nose he will sniff in your hair
    But his lies can’t disguise what you fear
    For a molested girl knows when he’s hugged her
    It’s the hug of a creep from Mr. Stinkfinger

  4. @loshonhora July 26, 2020 at 11:05 am

    > What happened to “no more malarkey”?

    They’re saving it, to bring back the classics, for whoever replaces Ol’ Joe.

  5. Joe Biden….. Connections
    1 – fast and furious
    2 – Benghazi
    3 – operation chokepoint
    4 – spying on journalists
    5 – VA waiting list
    6 – cash to Iran
    7 – Hillary emails
    8 – unmasked rivals
    9 – crossfire hurricane
    10 – the Russian hoax
    11 – do not kill bein ladin
    12 – the whole Ukrainian thing
    13 – the whole China thing


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