GoFundMe Pulls Truckers’ $10 Million Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser – Will Disperse Funds to Charities – IOTW Report

GoFundMe Pulls Truckers’ $10 Million Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser – Will Disperse Funds to Charities

Refund Info At The Link.
Stop using GoFundMe.

h/t Joe6pak

GP: GoFundMe on Friday pulled the truckers’ $10 million Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser.

The company said they “now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.”

“Following a review of relevant facts and multiple discussions with local law enforcement and city officials, this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform,” GoFundMe said in a statement.

Instead of returning the money to the donors, GoFundMe said it will disperse the remaining $9 million to charities. more

40 Comments on GoFundMe Pulls Truckers’ $10 Million Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser – Will Disperse Funds to Charities

  1. ^^^ Seriously, I have no idea about this site. ^^^^

    I never do any financial on line transactions myself.
    I’m strictly, Cash, cheque, Visa. (my security rules)

  2. I thought people knew by now that online financial sites like GoFundMe, Patreon, Kickstarter, PayPal, etc., were infested with leftist SJW lunatics and activists, and thank you GoFundMe for proving that yet again.

  3. They don’t have the legal right to make such a decision. They misrepresented themselves. They can offer to refund but who says giving the money to truckers as directed “ISN”T” an act of “charity???”
    Release the lawyers and sue them into bankruptcy. Bastards. Motherfucker leftist pukes.

  4. The good news is that early this morning GoFundMe announced that it would return all of the donations.
    Of course this was only because they realized the legal costs would outweigh the obscene profits they made on the fundraising.

  5. GOFUCKME learned that people would dispute the charge with their credit card company thus GFM would have to pay dispute charges between $15 to $25 per card holder dispute. It would bankrupt them. Bastards.

  6. Having to request a refund should be illegal. It should be automatic.

    The folks at #GoFundMe have shown their commie faces. Make them pay.
    If you donated to the truckers, DO NOT REQUEST A REFUND from GoFundMe.
    Instead, call your bank and request a chargeback. Force GoFundMe to eat all the thousands of #chargeback fees.

  7. It might be time for another summer of “mostly peaceful” absolute violence in 2022.

    But this time it is our side that gets to decide what gets burned and destroyed and who gets killed.

    This shit has to stop, and until the bully gets his nose bloodied, he will not stop.

  8. @ AnonTrooper FEBRUARY 5, 2022 AT 9:55 AM

    I’m sure that was the plan, but at the same time GFM was trying to steal this money, BLM was finally put on notice for its monetary policies. i.e. making it’s leaders rich while doing nothing that it said it would do.


  9. In the United States, GoFundMe either has to return the donations to the donors or deposit the money with the government and donors can make a claim to it then. They cannot keep the money, nor can they designate the funds for a charity of their choosing because keeping the funds or paying the proceeds to another charity is fraud.

    These are the rules in the United States – if Canada law applies, all bets are off because Canadians have been very busy giving away their rights and freedoms for quite a while now.

  10. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to direct the transaction fees paid to GFM towards a merchant account and instead take transactions directly? They could then accept visa, mastercard, discover, paypal, square, cashapp, venmo, zelle, direct deposit, etc. etc. and siphon the funds immediately to some trash secure digital coin. When a merchant goes all woke on them there are plenty of payment options left, and when they all cancel then you know it’s a conspiracy.

  11. I have never used GFM. It amazes me that people will give money to a site that has no accountability.

    Next time you get that email from Nigeria, please send all of your bank account information. Better yet, send it to me. I promise to take care of your money

  12. Wha-ut!?

    An organ of the state (created by, allowed to exist for now, as long as they “contribute to” – the state), doing the state’s bidding (the rule of law, the whim of regulation, a nomeklatura “request” – subject to change, without notice)?

    We-ail, I never!

  13. Get woke, go Broke.

    The Peoples Republic of Canukistan pressured GFM into helping them starve out the protesting truckers in true Stalinist style. I truly hope that the poor proles of American Siberia have finally realized why their government pushed so hard to disarm them.

  14. from the F Joe Biden fazebook page!

    “For those seeking GoFundMe refunds, consider doing a chargeback instead. Each chargeback will cost GoFundMe $15 or so. If they get enough chargebacks, their merchant account rates could also increase which could end up costing the company millions of dollars. Hit them where it hurts.”

  15. GoFundMe is about to get sued into Oblivion! If people gave money to the Truckers and They use it for something else… The Truckers will own the company before long! Its kind of against the law!

  16. I am shocked that folk are shocked! GFM has been a Bush/Sorros org for years. They continued to support the pillaging and plundering – err “peacefu protests” of GWB’s ANTIFA and BLM in Seattle and Protlan in ’20/. If you think I am wrong 2 things:

    Reread the speech GWB gave at the giant Biden rally in a church in tlanta 7/20/ He did not mention either by name; but the things he praised were only done by ANTIFA + BLM.

    Here is a recent link to what the Bush front org did in ’20!

    When folk take out their wallets THEY SHOULD PAY ATTENTION! GFM has not tried to hide their support for Bush/Biden; Trudeau is merely a French GWB!

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