Gohmert on Charlottesville: ‘We Need a DOJ Investigation into Kessler’ – IOTW Report

Gohmert on Charlottesville: ‘We Need a DOJ Investigation into Kessler’

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) spoke to Fox & Friends regarding the departure of Steve Bannon from the White House. He also weighed in on the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia and noted,
“Let me tell you, the way forward’s not going to be easy, and I think the Justice Department needs a full investigation of the Governor, of the Mayor. They said in court there would be violence at Charlottesville, and then the witnesses and the photographs show they herded these groups to create violence so they could brag. We need a Justice Department investigation into Kessler (violent rally organizer).’

14 Comments on Gohmert on Charlottesville: ‘We Need a DOJ Investigation into Kessler’

  1. Hey I know, let’s give that investigation to Trey Gowdy.
    1. I’ll never have to hear about it again, unless I tune into Cspan.
    2. I love Kabuki Theater
    3. I don’t like surprises and I already know nothing will happen.

  2. At this point, let Congress do the investigation. If Congress does nothing but investigations, they’ll have no time left to do anything else. Which, in this case, is a good thing.

  3. What we need is a national Referendum to eliminate Congress.

    They don’t legislate, they don’t provide a Balance of power, they have failed to protect the public purse. Other than writing bills to declare National Cowboy Day or National Transgender Rights Week what can they possibly point to as accomplishments?!

  4. When Scalise and others were attacked, why didn’t Gohmert call for CNN and MSNBC to tone down the discourse.
    No! These fake republican justice warriors threw there constituents under the bus.

    ‘There is plenty of blame to go around’
    ‘Both sides do it’

    What bs ! Too little too late Gohmert. If you would have spoke the truth out months ago and held the media’s feet to the fire then maybe this could have been avoided. I put this just as much on elected republicans as the media.

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