Gold Medalist in the Victimhood Olympics – IOTW Report

Gold Medalist in the Victimhood Olympics

Patriot Retort: The other day the local news excitedly announced that Utica, New York native Erin Hamlin would be the flag-bearer during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

It wasn’t until I saw the national news that I learned her winning the honor over Shani Davis after a tie-breaking coin toss was the latest example of racism in America.

The pouty Speed-skater and apparent gold medalist in the Victimhood Olympics decried the “dishonorable” way Hamlin won out over him.

Coin tosses being infused as they are with White Privilege.

He took to Twitter to complain. And when people began retweeting his griping tweet to point out the absurdity of it, Davis set his Twitter account to private.

And that could have been the end of it. But Shani just wouldn’t let it go. Instead, he boycott the opening ceremony in a snit.  read more

24 Comments on Gold Medalist in the Victimhood Olympics

  1. If he thinks that’s the only disappointment he will encounter skating through life he’s not aware of what lies ahead.

    Maybe he should just whine and take a knee or he could be a better man. He made his choice, it wasn’t the latter.

  2. Hey, Shani. Black liberal, whining entitled soy boys are not the socialist victim of the month. #MeToo feminist symbolism is all the leftist rage now. Get a grip crybaby. BTW, hope you get your ass handed to you in your event.

  3. If you can’t support America and American values you shouldn’t be on the team. Period. If you are a poor sport and a little fag, likewise. If you shoot your mouth off agains’t our President and Vice President, likewise.

  4. Black Lives Matter More Than White Lives.
    Black Lives Matter More Than Latino Lives.
    Black Lives Matter More Than Asian Lives.
    Black Lives Matter More Than Muslime Lives.
    Black Lives Matter More Than American Lives.

    Blacks are special doncha know? If you cut them what color do they bleed? Oh, red, just like everybody else!

  5. Reminds me of the time Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech for Best Female Video, when Kanye West jumped up on stage, grabbed the mic from her hand and made a jackass out of himself. Because anytime a white person does better than a “person of color”, it has to be racist!

  6. What really surprises me about people like this guy, NFL kneelers, etc. is that they understand individual sacrifice and achievement. I wouldn’t generally expect them to be such whiners when they have spent thousands of hours working to be the best.

  7. Shani, isn’t that a girls name, we don’t care.
    You have overplayed your hand, everybody knows you got nuttin’.
    Just go home, that’ll show us.
    He’s such an ice princess, the fabulous flaming fruit figure skater too.
    The two of them have the corner on the Olympic victimhood racket.
    Many boxes checked here.

  8. Which racist coin was flipped? Half dollar = JFK. Quarter = George Washington. Nickel = Thomas Jefferson. Dime = FDR. Penny = Honest Abe. All racist white men.

    Dollar = Sacagawea, but nobody uses those.

  9. I see a new awards ceremony …. Biggest Whinners (or … ‘Dancing w/ the Whinners’, ‘America’s Got Whinners’, ‘Real Housewives of Whinners’ … make up your own … fun for the whole family!)

    should come out right before the elections
    Sporting Category: NFL Kneelers, Shani Davis, that skiing girl that said she wouldn’t accept an invite to the White House if she won …. the Eagles that won’t attend either.
    Actor Category: … just name the whole Screen Actor’s Guild
    Recording Babies:

    … some really tough categories!

  10. Black boy whining in the dead of night
    Take these silver skates and learn to fly
    All your life.

    You were only waiting
    For this moment to start cryin

    Black boy cry
    Into the long dark night …

    (thas all original and shit; and if it ain’t you’re a racist!)

    izlamo delenda est …

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