Golf Can Be An Act of Civil Disobedience During the Coronavirus Crisis – IOTW Report

Golf Can Be An Act of Civil Disobedience During the Coronavirus Crisis

Legal Insurrection: On April 2, 2020, three men from Massachusetts were arrested in Rhode Island after crossing state lines to play a round of golf.

Several days prior, the State of Massachusetts, to combat the spread of Covid-19 or Coronavirus, closed down all golf courses and driving ranges as part of a slew of non-essential business and stay-at-home orders. Similar rules went into effect in New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. If you wanted to play golf, you had to venture south to Rhode Island or Connecticut where courses remained opened—albeit with social distance rules in effect.

Golfers are notoriously intrepid and will do anything to get a round in. If Rhode Island was open for golf, by gum that wasn’t going to prevent residents of Massachusetts and elsewhere to brave the virus and hit the links.

Rhode Island caught on quickly and issued edicts about travelling to or through the State without express purpose related to essential commerce or business. Golf courses began checking license plates to ensure only State residents were playing on their tracts.

That wasn’t going to stop a few Massachusetts men, who drove across the State border to a McDonalds parking lot, met a friend from Rhode Island, and hopped in his car to play at a nearby course. The McDonalds employees became suspicious when the Massachusetts cars remained idle for hours. They called police who met and apprehended the men when they returned to their vehicles.

Though it’s unclear if the men were actually handcuffed (as opposed to detained), they were issued citations and court dates. It’s unlikely they will do time; in fact, it’s near certain they will only pay fines.

However, the incident did raise questions about the Constitutionality of these State orders. more

19 Comments on Golf Can Be An Act of Civil Disobedience During the Coronavirus Crisis

  1. O.T: Who was the news bitch in red at today’s press conference who was heckling the President? He should hire Tyrus as bouncer to physically remove these people.

  2. They should’ve just showed the cops their meticulously clean 1 iron because god knows no one can hit a 1 iron….thereby and where with all they didn’t play golf….

  3. Ihre score-card, bitte.

    Am I to understand that the Rhode Island Constitution contains a provision that allows the state govt to suspend the U.S. Constitution in the event of a disease outbreak?

    I suppose, though, that some liberal collectivist lawyer would argue that ignoring an edict to cross state lines to play a round of golf is insurrection.

  4. Fool us once shame on you.
    We ain’t being quarantined twice.
    We botched this first test of suspension of our rights
    Shit’s going to get ugly if they try it again

  5. I had a little of My faith in Humanity restored this Weekend.

    On a Local Keys Page(known for it’s libtatrdian lean) Had a Woman

    Post a Pic of a recently hewn Palm Tree saying”It doesn’t seem like

    They have the proper Permit to do this!”

    Over 60 People responded

    “Mind Your Own F*cking Business”…

    Not gonna lie…I shed a tear of Joy

  6. Once the conscientious objectors reach critical mass it’s over. I’d give it a couple more weeks before people just start flying the finger by going about their usual routine.

  7. Right to peaceably assemble. Right to assume responsibility for their own lives. F-ing right to live freely in America. Tell the police to go stuff themselves and rip 7p those unconstitutional citations.

  8. amazing, isn’t it, how people turn so quickly into good little Nazis & will gleefully turn in anyone that might be in ‘violation’ of their State Gulag edicts


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