Golliwog’s Cakewalk – IOTW Report

Golliwog’s Cakewalk

14 Comments on Golliwog’s Cakewalk

  1. “The Golliwog was created during a racist era. He was drawn as a caricature of a minstrel — which itself represented a demeaning image of blacks.”

    “Created?” Really?
    “Racist era?” Really? How is an era racist?
    “Drawn?” Really? It’s a fucking doll.
    “Represented a demeaning image?” Really? An image is a representation – so, “professor” Schmuck-Fuzzy-Think claims that a doll is drawn as a representation of a representation?

    Guy must be a Demonrat.

    What a moron. As the nihilists like to say about every despicable thing they do in the media and across the globe: “If you don’t like it, don’t buy one! (change the channel!)”

    Who has done more to damage the “image” of negroes than BLM? Brown Pampers? The ANTIFA Nazis? Looters? Arsonists parading as rioters parading as protesters?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 7:33 AM
    “Guy must be a Demonrat.”

    This statement made me laugh because I’ll declare “Only a Democrat would do this” on any given day when I run into something that controls humans – even at their own risk to life.

    For example: The city-titties glued to the freeway dividing the express/HOV lane INCHES AWAY FROM 70 MPH TRAFFIC!

    I’ve been a passenger in a wreck where the driver nicked one of them sending us into a spin and ending up facing traffic in the fast lane. Over $1,100 in repairs needed after that unscheduled carnival ride.

    All to keep people in their lane – no matter what!

    A painted line would be more humane and safer, but noooo. Gotta control the masses to the minutest detail, even if it kills them.

    This Spring, right when the lock down started, they removed them in my part of Dallas and I was hoping they were going to put a painted line down – a lot of wrecks have happened because of those city-titties. You can see the skid marks everywhere.

    NOPE! They put up the Jersey barriers – even MORE control that you can’t escape from if a breakdown or wreck happens in that lane. Must be a Democrat in charge. At least you could cross the titties if the lane was jammed up for some reason.

    Now it would make a very convenient trap to stop every vehicle for some kind of road check. Like, maybe, a vaccination check?

  3. Golliwogs used to be very common in toy stores and shop windows throughout the British Isles. People used to collect them. They used to dress in Golliwog costumes on Halloween. Things began to change when the real life Golliwogs began immigrating to England from Jamaica and the West Indies after the war. Since then, hundreds of thousands of the buggers have taken over the country, demanding that practically every great Britain with a statue needs to be consigned to a rubbish heap for their racist views. They are most undeserving of this treatment by the Wogs.

  4. Maxwell Smart, secret agent 86, admitted to being afraid of golliwogs in an episode of Get Smart. Can’t remember which episode though.
    Please don’t ask how I remember this obscure point, that’s a long, boring story.

  5. The Golliwogs were an American rock band that later evolved into Creedence Clearwater Revival. After previously playing as The Blue Velvets (alternatively Tommy Fogerty and The Blue Velvets or The Blue Violets) beginning in 1959, the band changed its name to The Golliwogs in 1964.

  6. There is a story about polliwogs and tadpoles. These names of just- hatched amphibians came from two 19th century German students – Polly Wogge and Tad Pohl, who left Berlin and immigrated to France. They wanted to become Frogs.


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