Gone Fishy – IOTW Report

Gone Fishy

Bald eagle swoops in and stuns fishermen.

15 Comments on Gone Fishy

  1. Years ago I watched an eagle try to catch a duck swimming on a lake. Every time the eagle swoop down at it the duck dove under the water and resurface about 20 feet away. Each time the eagle would have to fly back up into the sky and prepare for another dive, furiously flapping it’s wings. After about the fifth attempt the eagle was exhausted and it struggled to fly up to a nearby tree branch to rest. The duck resurfaced the final time and swam away like nothing happened.

  2. Last year I saw a group of eagles devouring a deer roadkill alongside a country road. At first I thought they were buzzards, but then I could clearly see their white heads as I passed close by. I had never seen eagles do that before.
    Must have been democrats…

  3. ChickenCheeks
    JULY 9, 2021 AT 8:11 AM
    “Stunned but ready with the camera!”

    …in this case, a good thing, too!

    Imagine if a fisherman comes home and starts telling freinds and family that “I hooked this beautiful huge fish and I was gonna bring it home, but an EAGLE stole it!”.

    …without honoring “pictures, or it didn’t happen”, most folks would simply dismiss it as the most improbably convenient use of eagles as a storytelling device since the last Lord Of The Rings movie…

  4. Bald Eagles are opportunists. I’ve seen bald eagles steal fish from Osprey. If you’re ever in Alaska, Juneau specifically, take a ride out to the garbage dump and you’ll see all the bald eagles you care to see scavenging on garbage.

  5. Have seen that several times over the years of fishing…Never had a camera ready, especially one for movies!

    You should see how those birds love to hang out around fish cleaning stations in Alaska, they look like democRATS waiting for a handout!


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