Gone Ho! – IOTW Report

Gone Ho!

OC: It’s not uncommon for Chinese businessmen and high ranking officials to signal their status by maintaining a mistress, and with the country’s economy growing at a rapid pace, it’s no wonder that “mistress dispeller” services that combat cheating are becoming very popular. For a considerable fee – typically starting in the tens of thousands of dollars – these companies will coach scorned wives how to strengthen their marriage while employing a variety of tactics to drive away the problematic mistress.  MORE

9 Comments on Gone Ho!

  1. Every Chinese businessman knows the age old rule:
    Every comma in yer bank account adds an inch to yer dick,
    and there’s no better way to advertise it than with a mistress.
    The “mistress dispeller” services are just hopping on the gravy train!

  2. “Bank account in black, wise wife stays on her back.”

    “When your finances aren’t hobblin’, better hop on that little goblin.”

    “If another woman is getting close to your rice paddy, make sure she isn’t yanking the weeds out of your sugar daddy.”

    ~Ancient Chinese proverbs

  3. It’s amazing how many women around the world read articles, buy books, and now hire services to keep men from straying because the real solutions, while simple, is just unappealing to them.

  4. When the weather’s hot and sticky
    Ain’t no time for dippin’ dickie.
    When the frost is on the punkin
    That’s the time for dickie dunkin’.

    (Old Chinese proverb)

  5. It’s not just Chinese businessmen who have mistresses. It’s quite coming among ALL businessmen while in China to have a “Chinese wife” while there and another wife back home.

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