Good grief, that laugh – IOTW Report

Good grief, that laugh

Patriot Retort: There are a lot of reasons Kamala Harris is the worst messenger to deliver votes for Biden. And not the least of which is that laugh of hers.

Good grief. That laugh.

Remember the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate between Biden and Paul Ryan? Joe spent half the time grinning like a fool and laughing at anything Ryan said.

But that laugh of Biden’s has got nothing on Kamala’s creepy, wildly inappropriate cackle.

Back during the Democrat primaries, I pointed out that Kamala has a tell whenever she gets caught in a lie. read more

16 Comments on Good grief, that laugh

  1. Bill Clinton was sposed to be a consummate liar but mostly that was because the Sheeple WANTED to believe his obvious lies.
    I don’t think that there are many who WANT to believe the shit that Harris is shoveling.
    We may be becoming “LIE FATIGUED.” We get it from everywhere – the Media, Academia, the Medical Quackery, Wall St., Madison Ave., politicians, pollsters, the Pope, the Churches, the shysters, the “judges,” the cops, the firemen, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, certain maggots in the Armed Forces, Twitter, Facebook, Google … shit! Probably be quicker to point out who ISN’T lying!

    Anyway, as much as we enjoy being lied to, we’re reaching our saturation limit.
    (thas my take, anyhowze)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hans, I had to look it up because I call all birds that hang out with me “fluffer.” (Jays, Crows and Towhees)

    From the Urban Dictionary:

    (noun) a person in the adult entertainment industry whose job it is to give male porno stars blowjobs in order to get them ready to perform.
    Where’s my fucking fluffer, goddammit!

    But I refuse to change the name I use for my birds. (Thanks a lot!)


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