Good guy with a gun # 39,304,002 – IOTW Report

Good guy with a gun # 39,304,002

Concealed Carrier Shoots, Captures One Of Two Thugs In Nashville Robbery.


One of these days, as the number of concealed carriers nationwide continues to grow, criminals are going to determine that it’s simply too great a risk to attempt the armed robbery of a law-abiding citizen.

We haven’t gotten there yet, however, and last night one of a pair of young thugs had to learn that lesson the hard way.


7 Comments on Good guy with a gun # 39,304,002

  1. Although the case I’m listing is supporting police K9 deployment, I believe it fits here with the wording about criminals and their activity in, Vera Cruz vs City of Escondido. It should be applied for all citizen responses to criminals, with the understanding that law enforcement is held to a “higher standard” (and out of the 9th Circuit [1997], if you can believe that!):

    “Because criminal activities serve no legitimate purpose, there is no reason to spare criminals from even remote consequences of their actions;  deterrence, by forcing criminals to assume responsibility for all the harm they cause by their anti-social conduct, is the very essence of criminal law.

    Law enforcement personnel, by contrast, serve important purposes;  the risk of personal liability, if taken beyond its proper scope, may make police timid and deter activities necessary for our protection.  

    Criminals, moreover, can largely control the circumstances of their crimes, and can thus minimize the risk that force will be necessary;  law enforcement personnel must take the situation as they find it.”

  2. As a long time ccw that makes an effort to keep track of the civil codes, interestling enough, I have more leeway to shoot some one than someone carrying a badge. Weird. It’s no mystery, it’s plainly written in the civil codes. However my go to guy for ccw related stuff is a Certified Post Instructor for Sac. Sheriffs Department who tells me, if your in a position, get deputized. Because you will be sued. This guys been involved in three officer involved and he’s been sued in civil court every time. He also adds, It’s cheaper killing them.

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