Good News, America! Nobody Cares What Celebrities Think – IOTW Report

Good News, America! Nobody Cares What Celebrities Think


[via UnsavoryAgents]

DailyCaller: Some of the world’s most famous celebrities #stoodwithher, and it did a whole lot of nothing for Hillary Clinton.

Madonna, Beyonce, Jay Z, Sigourney Weaver, Katy Perry, Meryl Streep and Lady Gaga — among many others — all threw their support behind Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Those endorsements were supposed to rally their millions of fans to get to the voting booth and elect the first female president of the United States.

Instead, Clinton lost states that went red for the first time in decades.

Maybe that’s because the majority of their fans are concentrated in staunch blue states like California that everyone already knew Clinton would win. Except Clinton lost a third of her electoral votes in Washington, a very blue state, so maybe not.

21 Comments on Good News, America! Nobody Cares What Celebrities Think

  1. Celebrities matter only to other celebrities. Most people follow them to see if they made a new sex tape or were caught smokin’ dope and driving their sports car too fast with a loaded weapon. The talent pool is shallow and full of urine or other bodily fluids. Take away their guns and lets see how well their action movies gross (including light sabers or laser cannons)

  2. Just like the Reagan/Bush era, even as i type, the anti-Trump degenerates are writing a new slew of movies depicting the evil capitalist and degenerate Christian slaughtering the innocent and the poor coming soon to a theater near you.

  3. These entertainment award ceremonies are nothing but nasty liberal circle jerks. Interrupt their “look at me” self worship services with reality and they start snarling and flinging poo. Before motion pictures became popular, actors were viewed with suspicion and outright hostility as undesirables with very questionable morals. How times have changed. The classical Greek word for actors is “hypocrites.”

    ὑποκριτής (hupokrités)

  4. Hit them were it hurts, right in the wallet. No more purchasing, renting or acquiring of any material these scumbags produce. It’ worked with Kellog, it’s working with the NFL, time to bring it hard to Hollyweird. Cockroaches, all of them….

  5. Easy to boycott these people.
    Half are has-beens.
    The other half are hip-hop nobodies.

    Beyoncé? Puh-leeeeze.

    As to politics, no one cares.

    I do love that Clinton’s campaign raised $1.2 Billion. And burned through it completely.
    And accomplished exactly nothing.
    So Lefty donors will be a lot less willing to contribute in future.


  6. wrote off hollyweird & disconnected the cable several years ago
    “four more years” Tom Hanks and many others are not welcome in our home
    their dvds have been thrown away with the rest of the garbage

  7. The only reason to care what slebs think is to make informed decisions about whom to support financially when choosing entertainment. Lately, that’s been simplified by having only a very, VERY short list of people I wouldn’t hate to have get my movie, etc., bucks.

  8. I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in a couple decades. I won’t be going any time soon, either. I’m done with Hollywood. The whole industry needs to collapse. Perhaps then, a worthwhile movie industry will spring from the ashes.

  9. Lots of old (and really old) movies to discover or rediscover. Try YouTube or your library. They’re refreshing reminders that Americans haven’t always been terrorized by lefty morons.

  10. 100 years ago, actors were considered to be just a step above prostitutes. Civilized people would watch their performances but would never think of socializing with them. And they certainty weren’t interested in their political viewpoints.

  11. you can watch any movie you want without giving them one single penny, just buy them used on ebay….no royalties involved…

    as for going into a movie theatre – no thanks, i value my eardrums too much….had to stuff napkins in my ears the last time…..

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