Good News: Crisis has Closed Churches, but Americans Feeling more Religious Anyway – IOTW Report

Good News: Crisis has Closed Churches, but Americans Feeling more Religious Anyway

Newsbusters: The left is salivating about using the pandemic crisis to force massive changes to American society. Average Americans, of course, just want to go back to work or to the mall or to … church. And those desires — in particular the last one — could present a formidable stumbling block in the sprint to the new progressive future. Despite years of eager predictions to the contrary, “the opiate of the masses” is not dead. In fact, it’s feeling better. more

16 Comments on Good News: Crisis has Closed Churches, but Americans Feeling more Religious Anyway

  1. Tomorrow May 7th, the first Thursday in May is the National day of prayer. I don’t believe it is a coincidence because of what we all are going thru as a nation right now. I will be praying tomorrow as I have every day since this illegal and unconstitutional lockdown began of America will be lifted as soon as possible. I believe that a new Great Awakenining has already started with the last Presidential election and the election (as well as selection) of Donald Trump as our President. Something is happening in the natural as well as the spiritual that is changing how we view America and all hell is breaking loose trying to stop it. God is our only hope and certainly not man and the democraps etc.

    who are trying their damndest to destroy everything good about our American heritage of freedom as given to us by our Founding Fathers in the late 1700,s. I am optimistic that a lot of people are waking up to this and are starting their trust in God once again. If we don’t we will end up like the Russians did under the dictatorship of the Soviet Union 100 years ago when they forgot God. Please pray that God will deliver us from this great evil that the democraps, RINO’s and their minions wish to inflict upon us in order to destroy America so that they can control us as a nation.

  2. Geoff the Aardvark — You bring up such an important point!

    I mentioned in a post some days ago that I had been watching some videos of middle eastern Christians (many of them former muslims) and their underground churches in Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, etc. Something that became very clear and eye-opening to me was the repeated statements by these recent Christians about how America (or the west in general) have lost their reliance on Christ because, compared to these countries hostile to Christianity, Americans can practice their faith openly. But the more interesting point was that we no longer rely on Christ. If we get sick or injured we call 911 and go to the hospital. If we don’t have food we get welfare and have food banks. If we are arrested we are guaranteed a lawyer. If we need shelter, we go to social services. There’s always a gov’t or charitable answer to life’s basic needs in the West. It was stated repeatedly that when you don’t have these things, you rely on the goodness and mercy of Christ alone. I hadn’t thought about it in those terms before.

  3. The Church is the people, not the bricks.

    And since Pope frankie this is more true for Catholics than ever.

    Fuck him!

    Jews, the most hated and Christians, the most oppressed!
    My kids are BOTH

  4. Kcir — But the Left knows how important it is for Christians and Jews to meet in fellowship and praise, too. And for that, Churches are physical places where we can congregate. Many have overcome this need through technology. We watched, for example, Pastor Alistair Begg perform the Easter Sunday service in front of a huge, empty church. It was one of the saddest things to see, but he shared the message and it was good to see how many from all over the country were logged in to the livestream!

  5. If the state wanted to design a religion where the people would be compliant and obey they would include such tenants as “obey authority”, “render unto Caesar”. “love thy enemy”, “the meek shall inherit the earth”, and “turn the other cheek”. Constantine was no fool as the Roman empire morphed into the “holy” Roman empire. Bottom line – – Christians have been manipulated into behavior that renders them powerless vs. the state. What they should be doing is engaging in massive civil disobedience against unjust (evil) laws. And their cowardly “leaders” should be telling them to do just that.

  6. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

    Understand why Church services and gatherings are being banned and prosecuted?

  7. Geoff the aardvark, excellent comment. Thank you.

    AbigailAdams, we have become so complaciant, we no longer “need” God. He is changing that – for our benefit:

    Matthew 16:26
    “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”

  8. Claudia — Exactly! It’s only in hardship that the Israelites returned to God. The whole Old Testament is one, long, dreary record of God’s people debauched and God either rescuing them or reining them back in or just starting all over again.

    And here we are again. Children, ever in need of their Father.

    Right now I wish I was Enoch. 🙂

  9. Billy Fuster — That’s my point, I guess. And it’s a window into the late 1700’s and up through the end of the 19th C.
    And, hey!, the socialists came into view at the end of the 1800’s, well into the global Industrial Revolution. Coincidence? I think not.

  10. These types of events either push people closer to God or further away from Him. Very few face a crisis head-on and stay in their fixed religious position.
    That is unfortunately how quite a few atheists become atheists. A tragedy occurred in their life (loss of a loved one usually) and so then a raging fire burns and festers in their heart that becomes an absolute hatred for the One they should have actually turned to in the first place.

  11. Where I am, as in most places, our church buildings are closed. I belong to a mainline denomination which is heavily reliant on the Eucharist each week.
    Our bishop declared that we were all now “fasting from Eucharist, but would be Feasting on The Word.”

    I believe our congregation has taken this to heart and is doing more Bible reading than they normally would, and hopefully this will be a new/old way to rediscover Jesus.


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