Good News: Mark Meadows Begins Outlining FBI Corrupt “Sources” (Journalists) and “Methods” (Media Reports)… – IOTW Report

Good News: Mark Meadows Begins Outlining FBI Corrupt “Sources” (Journalists) and “Methods” (Media Reports)…

Conservative Tree House:As details and documents are pried from the grip of FBI officials intent on hiding the institutional malfeasance, one corrupt issue has become increasingly clear. The FBI and DOJ intentionally leaked information to the media and then cited the subsequent media reports for their ongoing investigative purposes.

Within this circular approach journalists became “sources” and media reports became “methods”.  Thus, the FBI and DOJ are desperate to protect “sources and methods” because behind the familiar catch-phrase is an outline of procedural corruption. ie: “by the book“.

Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) is one of the congressional investigators who, with greater document release, is beginning to outline this approach.

In a letter today to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (full pdf below) Mr. Meadows points to new discoveries of how FBI Lawyer Lisa Page and FBI Agent Peter Strzok were using leaks to the media in April 2017 to further the aim of eliminating President Trump.  read it here

6 Comments on Good News: Mark Meadows Begins Outlining FBI Corrupt “Sources” (Journalists) and “Methods” (Media Reports)…

  1. Yet there may be many like my liberal brother. He stopped following the news closely when messiah Obama left office. He stopped watching CNN and MSNBC obsessively as the news has turned more positive for Republicans. Will he ever be awakened to this corruption? Will he accept these facts as truth or continue to hold on to his beliefs despite proof to the contrary?
    I hold out hope, but not much.

  2. @Graceia

    “stopped watching CNN and MSNBC obsessively as the news has turned more positive for Republicans.”

    Interesting. Since President Trump announced his candidacy, my neighborhood demonCRAT/socialist acquaintance always greets me with some form of, “Now we have him!”

    But for at least two weeks, he has used other non-political greetings. And I know he is an MSNBC/CNN addict, because he always tells me that I need to hear the truth, by watching their clown productions. Could it be that he has become discouraged by the circus?

    Naw, he’s probably just in cocoon stage, waiting for the next socialist savior, that the demoncrats elect.


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