Good riddance: Kamala Harris leaves presidential race with her tail between her legs – IOTW Report

Good riddance: Kamala Harris leaves presidential race with her tail between her legs

American Thinker: Well, it looks like Willie Brown’s mistress decided she didn’t want to stick around for the inevitable drubbing she was going to take in Iowa. After a big buildup and a lot of campaign cash, turns out the signature phony didn’t even make it to primary one. 

According to Alex Pappas at Fox News:

California Sen. Kamala Harris on Tuesday announced that she is withdrawing from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, sources told Fox News.

An aide said Harris informed staff Tuesday she is suspending her campaign.

The campaign was also hemorrhaging money, spending more than what was coming in, amid tough media coverage about the campaign’s struggles. She becomes one of the biggest candidates yet to drop out of the crowded 2020 primary field, two months before the lead-off Iowa caucuses.

The more she talked, the less the voters liked her. And these were leftwing voters, a group that can absorb anything so long as socialism is given the nod. Harris is currently pulling around 2% in the nationals, three or four percentage points behind newcomer Michael Bloomberg. Get ready for her to start yapping about Iowa’s Democratss being rank racists, it’s what all the losing candidates like to do. Just ask Julian Castro.

The former “top-tier” candidate, as she called herself, was pretty well done in by her own bad decisions, her own twists in the wind, simply not standing for anything other than identity politics. She also sported a lifetime of sucking up to power, and abuses of power, yet had absolutely nothing to show for it for the little guy. She’s the one who demanded we all vote for her because she was a black woman, and sported a fake Southern accent to prove it, yet everyone knows she got her leg up in politics by … legging up, so to speak, to the establishment, namely, Willie Brown. read more

15 Comments on Good riddance: Kamala Harris leaves presidential race with her tail between her legs

  1. Good. After her outrageous attacks on Kavanaugh she deserves to be disliked by the public at large. She didn’t have the trappings of office to protect her bubble world. She is what she is.

  2. I just accepted a friend’s add on Facebook after many months, I had unfriended her in a discussion about the Covington kids back in January when she and her husband devolved into personal attacks on me.
    So as soon as I add her back a post pops up: “Friends, I am truly worried about our chances in this election. We need to figure this out and quick.” – which is certainly heart-warming for me!
    And one of the responses was: “Trump needs to resign.”
    My response was to unfollow her. I have no interest in arguing with idiots. And her kid is in my church youth group so I see a lot of her in person.

  3. She may say she’s out or owes money but her campaign should be fully audited by an outside firm. Who knows whether chunks of that cash went to front companies that didn’t actually do any work or friendly company that billed big bucks for minimum work. Do this with every campaign.


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