Good weather is bad news in Chicago – IOTW Report

Good weather is bad news in Chicago

AT: It was a warm-weather period in Chicago over the long Presidents’ Day weekend.  When civil order is collapsing, that’s bad news.



12 Comments on Good weather is bad news in Chicago

  1. Secession is discussed now and again among the left and the right. I think that expulsion should come up – it’s a win if blue hive cesspools could be jettisoned along with their poison populations. They could become independent city states but would require a visa to leave (for our protection).

  2. It’s worse than the Titanic over there. Those on the Titanic at least knew the ship was sinking and, for the most part, took it like civilized people. The band played “Nearer My God to Thee”, average men maintained discipline by giving priority to women and children to the few seats in the life boats.

    In Chicago the savages run wild. Children, women and men are shot indiscriminately; from the mayor down corrupt LOE kills are swept under the rug all the while their best and brightest LOE are being murdered in broad day light. On top of that the mayor on down will continue to get reelected because the democrat machine has a strangle hold on the electric (both living and dead) and therefore all they have to do is give speeches about ‘hiring 970 new LEO’ but in reality, they have had a net loss and laugh all the way to the next “election”.

    If anyone was old enough to remember or able to read a book in Chicago they could yearn for the “good old times” when Chicago was ruled by Al Capone. Yes, murderous thugs ruled the city, but the murder and mayhem were focused primarily between those that were in the life or those who were brave enough to fight against it. It was, after all, called “organized crime” for a reason. I can’t think of a way to fix the problem that is called “Chicago” unless the use of Neutron bombs are on the table and I’m not 100% sure I want to go there. In short: the F’ing F’er of a city is F’ed.

  3. Capone and the Italian/Irish mobs would have made short work of today’s Chicago vermin.

    Capone would have made dinner table batting practice out of Tiny Dancer too.
    Even gangsters did not tolerate Reds.
    Much less nancy boys.

  4. Roman V – a study was done some time ago (I’ll try to find it) breaking out the per capita murder rate in the US by european country of origin and comparing it to the folks in the old country.

    Surprise! Almost exact correlation. If you remove African and Latin American groups, US has same per capita murder rate as Europe.

    Works with IQ as well.

    Ah, diversity.

  5. Had a relative that attended University of Chicago back in the ’90s. The university is in a pretty crappy area which became noticeably more dangerous and threatening when the snow melted and the Dindus came out of hibernation in the springtime.

  6. I don’t understand the article. Is warmer weather (globaloney) killing only blacks, or is reducing the number of cops in black neighborhoods killing more blacks in black neighborhoods?

  7. I had my purse picked at Union Station several years ago. My own damn fault. Been back to Shitcago a couple times since, (used to love to take the train down) but the bloom is off the rose. Thomas Lifson wrote another blog post a few days ago about crime in the Loop. Open-air drug markets? No thank you.

  8. If we only had a HUGE NO FRILLS ELECTRIFIED FENCE compound where we could stash everyone of them who commits a crime… them access to cold water and feeding them at ‘chutes’ through the fence it would not take long and the ‘fittest among them would survive’ and who cares what would happen to the others.

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