Goodbye RussiaGate, hello Grief Counselors! – IOTW Report

Goodbye RussiaGate, hello Grief Counselors!

After two years and heaven knows how many millions of taxpayer dollars, the Senate Intel Committee admits what earth-bound humans knew all along.

There is no evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

And you thought November 8, 2016 was a low point for Rachel Maddow.

After this news, I sure hope someone put the poor girl on suicide watch.

Of course, nobody with both feet solidly planted on terra firma ever believed that President Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to deprive Hillary Clinton of her rightful place in the Oval Office.

RussiaGate is so outlandish, it makes the later seasons of “Homeland” seem downright believable by comparison.

But the news media, the Hollywood ResistanceLOL, and Democrat politicians didn’t let that stop them from ginning up hysteria over something the Clinton campaign floated post-election to explain away her humiliating defeat.


11 Comments on Goodbye RussiaGate, hello Grief Counselors!

  1. I believe that now they’ll be talking about “golf and taxes.” Although “racism” and “25th” have been floating around too.
    Oh, and “National Debt”.

    You know what? Even if they say that Donald Trump himself colluded (whatever that means) with Russia, I’d still support the President.

    PS. I loved the Resistance lol!!

  2. Gee for the cost of this farce we could have built a couple walls (maybe up the left coast), sent all the illegals home first class, and shipped off deranged liberals to mars are Canada – their choice of course.

  3. Trump’s former attorney believes that Mueller will never release a final report. I’m starting to think so, too. Everything that would possibly be on the final report is already known, since Mueller has been recycling the same bullshit for two years. Best to leave all the NPC fantasies intact and leave out the facts.

    It’d be nice if Mueller got an angry mob of NPCs milling around his house and threatening his family.

  4. That really is Mueller’s last arrow, no report, it just leaves PDJT swinging in the wind with a “cloud” of make believe guilt hovering over him till he dies.
    Lame stream media will milk that cow forever

  5. I wonder if liberals have been launching themselves off of skyscrapers but have gone unreported by the MSM?

    Here is a headline I wouldn’t mind seeing: Thousands of Liberals Suffer from TDS, Commit Suicide.

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