Google Designs the Self-Absorbed Car for the Self-Absorbed Man – IOTW Report

Google Designs the Self-Absorbed Car for the Self-Absorbed Man

google car driverless


Government Motors designs flimsy boxes to conform to arbitrary fuel efficiency standards. Electric cars, which the government wants a select few to drive while the rest of us are on a bus, are so expensive the only way to persuade the average person to own one is to subsidize the purchase with thousands of tax dollars.


3 Comments on Google Designs the Self-Absorbed Car for the Self-Absorbed Man

  1. So tonight I’ve had a MIT graduate belittle me because I mentioned during Jr. College I had a chance to work with some inner city kids. And now I’m self absorbed in Joan’s opinion. I hope some loser like me doesn’t save you from the Muslim uprising that’s coming Joan. I hope you get every inch of what you deserve. Don’t call me Joan.

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