Google mandates vaccines for employees before returning to the office – IOTW Report

Google mandates vaccines for employees before returning to the office

PM: Google has announced that it will require employees to be fully vaccinated as the company plans a return to the office in mid-October.

As the more contagious Delta variant continues to spread across the United States, companies are struggling to decide what course of action to take. Google had originally planned to bring workers back to the office in mid-September, however that date was recently moved back to mid-October to accommodate the vaccination requirement. more

15 Comments on Google mandates vaccines for employees before returning to the office

  1. Funny. I think they thought they’d kill off all the Trump supporters because the vax was all his idea. I guess they didn’t realize conservatives think for themselves. Libtards, not so much.

  2. Speaking of Trump, if he doesn’t come out pretty damn soon and disavow the jabs as they have been developed he will likely be in a world of hurt for 2024. Granted he’s did a great job streamlining an approval process and the EUA but the end result seems to be a disaster!

  3. We’re trying to get our Governor to get his ass back to our state and call a special session to stop all businesses from being able to mandate the shot.

    Google has a big place in our state. It sure would be nice to get them the hell out of our state.

  4. joe6pak
    Anytime I say that or say he screwed up with this warp speed bullshit by listening to the likes of Fauci and Birx I get attacked or asked who he should have listened to.
    I don’t know maybe the doctor he brought in towards the tail end, the doctors who were speaking out about actual cures. I’m sorry I still can’t believe he allowed Pence and Fauci to hoodwink him.

    Trump was the best President of my lifetime up until Covid and he made tons of mistakes at that point on. He still won the election and if I ever decide to vote again, I would vote for him again, but he needs to shut his mouth about these damn shots.

  5. They are stretching out the re-iteration of the COVID-19 Plandemic into the 2022 election cycle. I hear it everywhere from Talk Show Callers.

    These political criminals are so predictable. They are blinded by their greed for another successful Coup and Power. They have surpassed being politicians. Simply. They are criminals. PERIOD. Just criminals.

    These criminals must BE DEALT WITH! they have forfeited their illusion of being Americans by creating and participating in the Crime of the Century.

    I can only place my trust, love and Prayers with the American People to do what must be done.

  6. Oklahoma
    One of our large hospitals in Tulsa have just came out and mandated vaccines. Other hospitals are talking about it, along with several businesses.

    We have several good guys in the legislature pushing for this special session, some of them already pushed for this, but the RINOS blocked it from getting to a vote. Now the people are pissed and demanding it. So we’ll see. The Governor’s office yesterday was rude and said people should just talk to the hospital administrators. Today they’re being much nicer and saying they will pass it along to the Governor. I’m being told their being flooded with calls and e-mails, along with all of the republicans in the legislature.

  7. Wait a year or two (2024) when thousands (millions) begin to die from complications due to blood clots. Then all these bastards will be blaming Trump for the vaccine they were forced to get.

  8. I overheard a conversation just yesterday between two high-level insurance executives who, between discussing their multi-million dollar home purchases and million dollar stock deals, spoke about how deadly the Delta variant is and how their company will likely require all employees to take the vax. They acknowledged they will lose some “teammates” over such a policy, but it’s for the greater good. Sheesh…

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