GOP Activist Launches Clean Up San Francisco Day Of Action – IOTW Report

GOP Activist Launches Clean Up San Francisco Day Of Action

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:13 AM PT – Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Republican congressional candidate running against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is launching an action plan to tackle the homeless crisis in California’s big cities. Last week, Deanna Lorraine announced that she is organizing a “Clean Up San Francisco Day of Action” to help clean garbage ravaging the city’s streets.

“What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna be cleaning up the streets…cleaning up all this garbage,” Lorraine explained. “Cleanliness is close to godliness, right?”

In a recent press release, the conservative activist and author said the effort is inspired by the Trump administration’s recent actions regarding homelessness in California, specifically regarding the comments President Trump made while visiting the Golden State.

“If you look at San Francisco, it’s a total disaster what’s happening,” said the president. “We’re going to get involved, very soon, on a federal basis if they don’t clean up their act.” read more

7 Comments on GOP Activist Launches Clean Up San Francisco Day Of Action

  1. Human feces, vomit, urine, and various other bodily discharges on streets and sidewalks are a problem, but they aren’t THE problem. Hosing off the sidewalks will not solve the greater problem. Affordable housing is a problem but it isn’t THE problem. Putting the “homeless” in housing will not solve the greater problem.

    Start with incarceration and institutionalization. Followup with treatment and training. Some will rehabilitate. Many will remain incarcerated or institutionalized. A few will flee to Canada or the EU — hopefully.

    It might take radical judicial reform. It was liberal activist judges that created most of this mess. Vapid politicians caused the rest of it.

    If Congress or the President are unwilling to act, Obama showed us the way to deal with the judiciary. Just ignore them. I am afraid that both extremes, and many in the middle, are very close to that.

  2. Very similar situation in China 1949.
    Shanghai water front.Opium addicts,street whores,
    bums and street poopers.Commies come in and load ’em
    up and head ’em out into the trucks and trains.Off to
    the boonies and shot in the head.
    On another note: All that do-do washes into the bay.
    Soon the bay will be dead and full of toxic algae…
    have a nice day ole San Fran.

  3. “Cleanliness is close to godliness, right?”

    …in THIS case, the only way you’ll get THAT level of cleanliness would be if God Himself did it, with FIRE, as he did for the Sodom from which they take the name of the ACT in which they have so much “Pride”, and for the EXACT SAME REASONS…


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