GOP Candidate Jon Hollis Hopes To Unseat Rep. Adam Schiff – IOTW Report

GOP Candidate Jon Hollis Hopes To Unseat Rep. Adam Schiff


California Congressman Adam Schiff is set to face a new challenger in 2020. Republican candidate Jon Hollis announced his congressional bid last week in hopes of unseating the Democrat lawmaker, who has held the seat since 2013. One America News had a chance to speak with Hollis to learn more about his efforts and his hopes for the golden state.

“I live and work in my district and I have been for the past seven years or so, and I’ve watched over the past seven years — its been slowly starting to fall apart, the homeless issue has become a huge problem,” he explained.

The homeless crisis has been a hot topic among candidates, especially for areas like District 28 which includes parts of Los Angeles County where around 59,000 people are battling homelessness. According to recent data by the LA Times, the number of people living on the streets of Los Angeles County jumped 12-percent since last year, while homelessness in the city increased by 16-percent.
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4 Comments on GOP Candidate Jon Hollis Hopes To Unseat Rep. Adam Schiff

  1. Schiff won with 78%. So never mind.

    Homeless numbers appear to have ticked up slightly in 2018, but still far lower than in 2007 (565,000 vs 650,000). It’s just that they are all opting for more sunny climes! Or perhaps it is the invitation extended by the do-good, spend other peoples’ money leftists, who are now freaking out over the homeless on their front lawn.

    Odd that homeless population is rising at all, considering that even going back to the end of 0bama’s term economy was getting better.

  2. Don’t know anything about Schiff’s district, but I would think all Hollis need do to replace him is plaster billboards all over town with a pic of Schiff and 2 thought bubbles:
    1. “I have proof of Trump’s ties to Putin,
    working against the US”.
    2. “My constituents are so effing dumb, they believe everything I tell them”.


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