GOP Candidate Threatens To Teargas Liberal Media – IOTW Report

GOP Candidate Threatens To Teargas Liberal Media

GOP Candidate Cory Mills Threatens To Teargas Liberal Media As Pro-BLM Congresswoman Cori Bush Tries To Shut Down His Pro-Police Business

Mills has been facing coordinated attacks by Leftist media groups and Democrats.

National File: Republican Congressional candidate Cory Mills has come under attack from Democrats and Leftist media groups over his support of the police.

Mills is a business owner whose company played an instrumental role in supporting the police force during the Black Lives Matters riots occurring across the country last Summer.

His company, which manufactures riot gear and tear gas, ensured police were able to effectively disperse violent Antifa members and BLM rioters.

In a recent campaign video, Mills explains how he started his business after serving in the U.S. Army. watch

6 Comments on GOP Candidate Threatens To Teargas Liberal Media

  1. Cori Bush……another member of the (fortunately, dying) Bush political dynasty?


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