GOP candidates Lake, Finchem ask judge to stop use of electronic voting machines in Arizona – IOTW Report

GOP candidates Lake, Finchem ask judge to stop use of electronic voting machines in Arizona

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem and a Republican hopeful for governor want a judge to stop the use of voting machines in the state.

The state representative announced that attorneys representing him and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in an existing federal court case to prevent the use of “unsecure black box electronic voting machines” in Arizona.

Finchem issued a statement Thursday on the request his lawyers filed Wednesday.

“Today, we filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to prohibit the use of these unsecure black box voting machines while the case is pending,” he wrote. “For this, the law requires us to show that (1) we are likely to succeed on the merits, (2) we will likely suffer irreparable harm if these machines are used, (3) that the balance of equities tips in our favor, and (4) that an injunction is in the public interest. The motion for a preliminary injunction includes evidence and sworn declarations from five top former military and civilian cyber and cyber-security experts.”

Finchem said that because their software is not available for the public to see, he questions their trustworthiness. more

4 Comments on GOP candidates Lake, Finchem ask judge to stop use of electronic voting machines in Arizona

  1. the ‘money quote’ of the article is the last sentence … ” Elections officials have stressed that counting the millions of ballots cast in an election by hand would slow Arizona’s results to a crawl.”

    oh … so, they’re suddenly more concerned about ‘timeliness’ than accuracy …. hmmmmm
    notice that no one cared about ‘timeliness’ in the 2016 elections, or the 2020 elections … curious, very curious.

    where is the ‘every vote must be counted’ mantra?

    yes, indeed … curious, very curious


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