GOP Chair: Michigan counties used software that caused 6,000 votes to switch from Trump to Biden – IOTW Report

GOP Chair: Michigan counties used software that caused 6,000 votes to switch from Trump to Biden

24 Comments on GOP Chair: Michigan counties used software that caused 6,000 votes to switch from Trump to Biden

  1. Let’s hold a ballots for Trump hunt. Search your house and car for thousands of missing ballots and turn them in to swing states. I’ve found 46,000,000 so far. This is so easy!

  2. I have been hearing the watermark isn’t true. However, I heard the lefty in charge of some bullshit in AZ say the sharpie thing isn’t true. But the people with the fucked up ballots tend to disagree. Especially when the instructions say why they only use ball point and why felt markers don’t work.

  3. I am going to sleep better when I get satisfaction knowing scum, who are stealing votes from the candidate of my choice, are rotting, and will never have the opportunity to try it again.

  4. Speaking of purple dye, maybe we need to put our thumbprints on our ballots. I can hear people screaming now, but then our ballot isn’t secret. I’m sure many of them who were so scared of the china flu they sent in absentee ballots. Too damn stupid to realize your ballot wasn’t a secret to the people opening it.

    BTW, speaking of voting my daughter has became famous, well sort of. Folks standing in line or already voting the other day of course overheard what went on. Now it’s all over the county, people coming up to her, her husband asking if it was her that bowed up to the democrat woman at the polls the other day. People were either impressed or surprised that she bowed up to her and told her to shove her mask. My daughter says she doesn’t really remember telling her to shove it, but she was a little pissed.
    Others surprised that she didn’t act like most and agree to wear it.
    Some are saying it made them leave their mask in their pocket, others it made them rip theirs off.

    Some said it was funny shit that she walked right back up to her and demanded her name and to see the democrat turn her head and tuck her tail to hide.

    I didn’t raise a wuss, my children were taught to respect your elders until they gave you reason to not respect them.

  5. In the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election that was stolen in broad daylight IIRC “software glitch” allowed thousands upon thousands of ballots from felons who had not had their voting rights to be counted. The felon ballots were mixed with the ballots that were from rightful voters and then the case was advanced that those ballots were not able to be separated out. Then the Democrats argued that felons would vote in the same numbers for Democrats as Republicans.

    Which I say is absolute bullshit. The reason I knew I was spot on is that the University of Washington and other Democrat pseudo institutions published paper after paper “proving” this to be an erroneous assumption. The efforts they put into this “proof” made it abundantly clear that they knew damn well they were full of shit.

  6. The registrar (as I have stated in the past) should be held personally responsible under penalty of death….. No other way to stop this bullshit!
    By the way my Sister-in-law is suffering (as well as her Family) terrible health issues… If you could raise up some prayers for her, we would appreciate it.
    God bless.

  7. That software glitch was noticed and corrected. It’s the ones that are not noticed, and go uncorrected that turn an election.

    There was also a report of a stack of ballots voting for Biden, that were not left in the already counted stack, and were counted a second time. Again it’s the double counting that isn’t noticed that turns and election. By vote fraud.

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