GOP Congressman: A ‘lawsuit could be filed’ over Biden’s cancellation of Keystone XL pipeline – IOTW Report

GOP Congressman: A ‘lawsuit could be filed’ over Biden’s cancellation of Keystone XL pipeline

Just The News-

Oklahoma Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin says President Biden and his administration have opened themselves up to a legal challenge after the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline project with an executive order. 

Mullin compared Biden’s decision to the actions of the Venezuelan or Chinese governments.

“The issue that you have right now is what Biden did was unprecedented,” Mullin said during an interview Wednesday on “Just the News AM.”

He also said Biden “cancelled a presidential permit, that the president before him approved and the president before that, Obama, had issued the study and moved forward with the permitting process. So you had basically two presidencies that had looked at the Keystone pipeline, they took a deep dive in it, one started it, one approved it and then when the third one came in, he cancelled it for no reason.” more

15 Comments on GOP Congressman: A ‘lawsuit could be filed’ over Biden’s cancellation of Keystone XL pipeline

  1. I’ve had enough.
    I’ve been isolated for too long.
    No liberal puke had ever jump in my shit over anything. I’ll plead government-induced psychosis after I beat the liver out of it.

  2. “GASOLINE IS OBSOLETE” Yahoo shill article popped up today

    started off with 15 paragraphs of how awesome Biden is for supporting EV cars that are “zero emission.” More paragraphs about how auto makers are no longer going to support ICE cars because EV is the future.

    All those paragraphs lay claim to why EVERYONE believes gasoline is (already) OBSOLETE so we don’t need stupid shit like the keystone pipeline.

    Nevermind when I walked around the ‘hood a couple days ago after a snowstorm EVERYONE was clearing their driveways with obsolete GAS POWERED snow blowers. Not a single person had an electric snow thrower. No, forget that, gasoline is obsolete because EVs.

    Then about 145 paragraphs past Biden the best ever and into the meat of the story it finally gets down who EVERYONE is regarding the profitability of ICE cars. Since, you know, ICE cars are also obsolete because gasoline is obsolete.

    The last 2 paragraphs. That would be what we call the summary of the story, but it’s not the summary, it’s what was mentioned in the fucking headline that we should have known about in the first goddamn paragraph. Journalism, pffft.

    16% say ICE cars are DEAD, 60% say ICE cars will remain somewhat profitable, 24% say ICE cars will remain VERY profitable.

    This prick wrote a headline and 942 paragraphs that gasoline is DEAD, blow smoke up your ass, and then NEGATE the whole fucking thing in the summary over 17% of fucking idiots the stupid author agrees with.

    Journalism is OBSOLETE.

  3. 160,000 total jobs on both sides of the boarder.

    Cheaper Lower grade Oil from Canada is sent to Texas to be refined and shipped out to foreign countries who pay in $US. That helps Keep the dollar higher, reduces the cost of imports, and helps reduce trade deficits. Cancellation is an act of economic sabotage.

    Kcir: Local 787 steam fitter, welder, HVAC Tech and Personal investor in Enbridge, TC Energy, Fortis Energy, etc.

  4. “Could”.

    The GOP is too busy trying to grovel before Biden and unseat several of it’s own new members from committees to pull both fists out of their own ass and file a lawsuit about EO overreach from GrandPa McShitMyPants

  5. And not a damn thing will come of it because McTurtlehead and that wimpy little bitch posing as house minority leader will put a stop to it in the name of “bipartisanship”

  6. A lawsuit “could” be filed?
    A meteor “could” wipe out the Earth?
    The Usurper Biden “could” stroke out?
    Kamel-Ho “could” choke on a dick?
    Jen Ptui “could” get through a press conference without saying “uhh.”
    Obola “could” go a complete day without sucking a ding-dong.
    HRC “could” refrain from lying for minutes at a time.
    Satan “could” gather up his children (Demonrats, rag-heads, perverts, &c.) and carry em all to Hell.

    Seems to be an entire Universe of “could!”

    izlamo delenda est …

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