GOP Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund Public Broadcasting – IOTW Report

GOP Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund Public Broadcasting

WFB: President Donald Trump has included defunding the CPB in his budget proposal every year of his presidency.

Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn (Colo.) has introduced a bill to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which includes National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

“The national debt is over $22 trillion. The federal government cannot continue unconstitutional spending to subsidize media programs that are majority privately funded,” the congressman said in a press release.

Lamborn claims that NPR and PBS have “shown increasing bias in sensitive political and social issues.” He cites the recent PBS episode of the children’s show Arthur, which featured a same-sex wedding. Alabama Public Television and the Arkansas Educational Television Network both refused to air the episode.

“The Constitution does not grant the federal government the authority to subsidize media programming. Not only is this funding unconstitutional and wasteful, but it has also violated the conscience rights of many conservative and religious Americans,” Lamborn said, “American taxpayers subsidized the CPB, the parent organization to PBS and NPR, to the tune of $445 million annually for the last two fiscal years.”
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15 Comments on GOP Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund Public Broadcasting

  1. All in on this one!
    All the phony money raking is BS!
    Loved to see a true ‘Ken Burns’ American Experience when he he does not rewrite history (as he always has) and tell his real history getting raised and schooled by the Keebler elves.
    Please have Suzie Orman and Martha Stewart Gang assaulted
    by Snoop Pup addressed,,,
    Like that’s not been going on forever,

  2. seriously, NPR has a rooftop café at their headquarters in DC … with an on-duty chef
    most radio station programs have about 3-6 people, including producer, sound man & host, NPR has about 15 per show

    nothings too good when it comes to spending taxpayer money
    of course, the demon rats will not bring this to a vote

  3. I fall asleep to All Blues on Saturday and Sunday.

    I know how bad it is on NPR, but each time I wake to their propaganda it still pisses me off how biased it is. All blues is a local program that has a worldwide audience today. It can be very good, sometimes is mediocre though. Usually it is quite worth listening to.

  4. @ No Blushes JUNE 21, 2019 AT 10:16 PM

    Ken Burns is a has been. I checked out some of his later dvds from the library and this web suck. I couldn’t watch the shit, it was nothing but one virtue signal after another

  5. No reason for taxes to be spent on leftist propaganda such as NPR. I guess they will just have to have four “annual fund raisers” a year instead of their current three.


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