GOP considers novel tactic to compel testimony if they win House: Defund a bureaucrat – IOTW Report

GOP considers novel tactic to compel testimony if they win House: Defund a bureaucrat


Republicans eager to begin aggressive oversight of the Biden administration if they win the House in November are already weighing options to resolve a key concern: how to compel witnesses to testify and turn over evidence when the Justice Department remains in Democrat hands. A prominent conservative is offering a novel solution: defund individual bureaucrats who don’t comply with subpoenas.

“I think that they don’t have the right to turn down that subpoena,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) told Just the News. “It seems to me that we’re going to be able to hold you in contempt. Our problem, of course, is the contempt law, the way it’s written, we end up having to go to, of all places, [Attorney General] Merrick Garland. That means getting the Department of Justice, trying to get him to help us enforce that subpoena.

“We’re probably going to have to look very carefully at how you change that law. Because you can’t go to the enforcer who is not willing to participate.”

Biggs told the “Just the News, Not Noise” television show last week he would like to adapt a century-and-a-half old procedure known as the Holman rule to punish noncompliant witnesses before Congress.

The Holman Rule was created in 1876 and named after an Indiana congressman who conceived of letting any member of Congress move to amend an appropriations bill to single out a government employee or cut a specific program. The measure would have to be approved by a majority of lawmakers in the House and Senate. more

11 Comments on GOP considers novel tactic to compel testimony if they win House: Defund a bureaucrat

  1. This sounds like total theater, all bluster but no stick.

    How about you clowns win something first before you go all Rambo? If you get The House then you can scheme, behind closed doors, and not reveal your hand to the other side.

    Obviously, I’m just spitballing here, but how about this? Issue your subpoenas, hold them in contempt, and then unleash the Capitol Police. They got guns, handcuffs, and battering rams for knocking down doors, any one of those FBI stooges that do not comply, go Roger Stone on their ass. Drag them out of their house in their underwear at 3 am, take every piece of paper in the house, seize all cell phones and computers, and do your damn investigation.

  2. Iโ€™ll believe it when I see it. To expect ANY principled action out of the Republican establishment is akin to continue doing the same thing and expect different results. It is ludicrous to believe that Paul Ryan was not conspiring in the smoke (and coke) filled rooms with Democrats to scuttle Trump and the American peopleโ€™s agenda.


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