GOP Debate Live Blog, January 14, 2016 – IOTW Report

GOP Debate Live Blog, January 14, 2016

11:28: That’s the debate! Thanks for commenting everyone! Have a good night.

11:26: I watched construction workers openly weep when our sailors were captured yesterday. That won’t happen again under my administration. -Trump

11:25: The President’s and Hillary Clinton’s liberal madness will end when I am elected. -Cruz

11:24: 2016 is a turning point in our history. We will turn this country around. -Rubio

11:23: Only “we the people” can solve the problems we face. -Carson

11:22: The American people know the truth, and it isn’t the one that Barack Obama was pushing on Tuesday. -Christie

11:21: I’ve done the things I’m promising and I can deliver once again. -Bush

11:20: We need to help the little people. -Kasich

11:20: Closing statements.

11:16: Interesting point, and Cruz did say this:

11:14: Bush: We can’t bend with the wind when it comes to immigration.

11:12: Cruz being booed. Wow.

11:11: Rubio: “Edward Snowden is a traitor.” Accuses Cruz of flip-flopping.

11:09: “Terrorism wasn’t invented 24 months ago.” -Cruz

11:08: Rubio: My opinions on immigration has changed because of the rise of ISIS over the last two years.

11:07: Rubio: We need to keep America safe.

11:05: Kasich: “Violence is wrong… The country need healed [sic].”

11:04: Debate briefly interrupted by shouting.

11:02: Christie: Obama “believes that law enforcement are the bad guys.”

11:02: Trump: I don’t know what a blind trust is.

11:01: “If I become President, I couldn’t care about my company.” -Trump

10:57: Carson: my tax plan is the best, and the Wall Street Journal said so.

10:55: “You had your chance Marco, you blew it.” -Christie

10:54: Rubio: the United States cannot become Europe.

10:52: Cruz: Marco’s tax rates are higher than mine.

10:51: Rubio: I do not support a value-added tax.

10:48: Carson: a fair tax system will bring money back from overseas.

10:46: Christie: We need to reform the tax system. That’ll help pay for infrastructure in the United States.

10:41: Cruz: If we pass tariffs like Trump suggests, Iowa farmers will be hurt because there will be retaliation.

10:39: Jeb Bush is weak. -Trump

10:38: Tariffs will not cause higher prices in US. -Trump

10:36: We need to make our economy stronger. -Rubio

10:34: Trump: “we need smart people to negotiate,” when asked if he is open to a tariff.

10:32: Trump says that there should be a tariff on China.

10:31: Trump: The New York Times was wrong about my tariff statements.

10:30: Experts can solve our problems. -Carson

10:29: “We will utterly and completely destroy ISIS.” -Cruz

10:27: “If we do not know who you are,” you aren’t coming into America. -Rubio

10:27: “You can’t just ban Muslims.” -Christie

10:25: “We need the Saudis, we the Egyptians,” to build a coalition to defeat ISIS. -Kasich

10:23: Trump: “We have a problem with radical Islam… There’s something going on and it’s bad.”

10:22: Bush: I hope Trump will reconsider his stance, because we won’t be able to build a consensus in the Middle East.

10:21: Trump: “My Muslim friends” have thanked me for saying that we should ban Muslims.

10:20: Trump: I will not rethink my position on banning Muslims.

10:17: “Assad is not worth it.” -Christie

10:15: Carson: “ISIS is a serious problem.”

10:11: Commercial break. Who do you think is winning?

10:10: “My biggest problem with [Saudi Arabia] is that they fund radical clerics.” -Kasich

10:08: Kasich: “It’s critical for us to be energy independent.”

10:06: “Under a President Jeb Bush, we would restore the military.” -Bush

10:05: Trump defends New Yorkers by referencing how they came together after September 11. “The people of New York fought and fought and fought.”

10:04: “Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan. I’m just sayin’.” -Cruz

10:03: New Yorkers tend to be “socially liberal” and love “the media.”

10:02: Cruz asked about “New York values.”

10:01: Cruz: The voters know that I will defend the 2nd Amendment.

10:00: “The American people have rejected your agenda.” -Christie

9:58: Obama acting like a dictator. -Christie

9:57: Rubio references Obama’s infamous “bitter clingers” statement.

9:55: Rubio: “The 2nd Amendment is not an option. It is a Constitutional right.”

9:54: Trump: We should never limit gun rights in any way. “What Jeb said was absolutely correct.”

9:53: “The FBI made the mistake” on Dylann Roof. “We don’t need to add new rules.”

9:47: “There is a thing such as right and wrong.” -Carson

9:45: Carson: We should be able to look at Bill Clinton’s past. “But here’s the real issue: is this America anymore?”

9:44: Kasich: “We don’t hate the rich,” we should want to be the rich.

9:43: “We’re going to win every state” if Sanders is the dem nominee- Kasich

9:41: Bush: “We need to unite behind the winner” of the GOP nomination because “Hillary Clinton is a disaster.”

9:40: Christie: The same people that are “whispering” to Jeb Bush are whispering in “ol’ Marco’s ear.”

9:38: Rubio: “We can’t have a President of the United States that supports Common Core,” referring to Christie.

9:36: “I’m very angry because our nation is being run horribly.” -Trump

9:35: “We are going to repeal everyone of [Obama’s] unconstitutional executive orders.” -Rubio

9:35: Rubio: “I hate to interrupt this episode of Court TV.”

9:34: Cruz: Trump is relying on liberals, Clinton-supporters to discredit me.

9:33: Cruz: “I’m not going to be taking legal advice from Donald Trump.”

9:31: If I choose Cruz as my VP candidate, the democrats will sue.

9:30: Trump: Cruz is going down, according to NBC.

9:29: Cruz: Donald Trump might not be a natural born citizen if I’m not.

9:28: Cruz: “my friend Donald” has changed his tune because of polls, but the Constitution hasn’t.

9:27: Cruz gets a question about being a natural born citizen.

9:22: Cruz: my opponent to win my seat in the Senate was rich, and unlike Hillary Clinton, I didn’t have the ability to just dip into my bank account.

9:21: Cruz on undisclosed loan: “it’s a hit piece.”

9:20: Refugees from Syria could be “the great Trojan horse.” -Trump

9:19: Trump: “It’s not fear, it’s reality” when looking at how to solve refugee crisis.

9:18: Carson on how to attack ISIS: They might have a dirty bomb and could destroy our electrical grid.

9:17: Carson: I’m not getting enough time! “I was going to ask you to wake me up.” (Trump hasn’t even spoken yet).

9:16: Obama “doesn’t understand the threat of ISIS.” -Rubio

9:16: Rubio: “Hillary Clinton is disqualified from being President of the United States.”

9:14: “Hillary Clinton would be a national security disaster.” -Bush

9:13: Bush: “The world has been torn asunder” under Barack Obama. “What we need to achieve is peace through strength.”

9:12: Bush gets next question about whether Republicans are emboldening the enemies of the US.

9:11: “You cannot give Hillary Clinton a third-term of the Obama administration.” -Christie

9:10: Next question to Christie asking where and when US should use military force. Christie says Obama’s SOTU was a “story time” where it seemed everything was going great.

9:08: “We have to have fiscal discipline… taxes are too high… Are you kidding me? We’re no where close to a balanced budget.” -Kasich

9:07: Kasich gets second question about how he’d handle a difficult economy.

9:06: Cruz answers question by saying that “millionaires and billionaires are doing great” under Obama, not the average person.

9:05: Cruz gets to answer first. Instead of answering the question about jobs, Mr. Cruz is talking about the 10 sailors illegally captured by Iran.

9:04: First question: jobs and growth. No opening statements.

9:03: Announcing where the candidates are on stage.

Welcome to the first debate of 2016! By the end of the year, we’ll have elected a new President. For all we know, this debate that is about to unfold could determine the eventual victor against the democrat nominee.

So join in, leave your comments, and let’s enjoy the debate!

250 Comments on GOP Debate Live Blog, January 14, 2016

  1. I guess I can’t blame him for feeling he needs to make a campaign speech instead of answering the question, but grandstanding is grandstanding, Sen. Cruz. I have a hard time getting past the sternly-delivered delivery. I need some action.

  2. Call me a wuss, but I don’t want Trump to bash Cruz and I don’t want Cruz to bash Trump.

    Together, I want them to bash Jeb!, Kasich, Hillary-shake Carson’s hand-and thump Rubio if he gets lippy.

  3. Very interesting. I clearly remember when clinton dismissed any criticism by telling everyone all her baggage had already been rummaged through. She never answered a criticism directly.

  4. Christie just gave the dutch rudder to Rubio, but he’s right, and Jeb is right – EVERYONE is better than Hillary.
    But better than Hillary is not what we’re looking for.
    Kasich is better than Hillary.
    That’s a nothing statement. Sounds good, gets applauds, but it’s a stupid point.

  5. Kasich: Another too long, buzz-phrase amorphous soliloquy on the goodness of something. Same for Carson.

    Commercial break: Was putting away the last of the Christmas decorations in the attic. Told Geoff C. that the next time we take them down, we will have a new president and with any mercy from God, it will be Trump/Cruz. And Geoff C. has been straightening up his wine collection this week, too. I told him to set aside a couple good bottles of champagne and we will get drunk in the attic in December — either way. We’ve never ‘inaugurated’ the attic 🙂

  6. Christie trying to sound like Trump.
    Oh, what could have been had he been a hardline conservative.
    We’d probably have our second president that couldn’t fit in the white house bathtub.

  7. Seattle runs a close second. I’m convinced we are the only conservatives within a ten-mile radius of our house. That which doesn’t kill you makes you a really great debater.

  8. Cruz insults NY because he knows he hasn’t a chance winning that state in the general. Trump wins New York in the general.
    Trump has the biggest advantage of winning the general election over all the candidates on that stage.

  9. We don’t need more fucking funding Krusty Kreeme!
    We need to end corruption, waste, fraud and big bloated your fat ass!
    Anyone that doesn’t have personal self control that they don’t exceed 300 pounds…
    No more William Howard Tafts!

  10. Wake me when it’s over, I think we went the wrong words long ago. At this point it doesn’t matter, the herd will thin and the GOP will do anything to kill their star. Trump never appealed to me until recently and really Demofcuks? 3 wrinkly old crackers?

    I wish I had more hands, so I could give this election cycle 4 thumbs down!

    The stupidity level has gone overboard.

    Always remember, the crops like water from the toilet over Brawndo.

  11. NO ONE trust this stupid gov’t to do anything right regarding muslims coming to this country. Trying to sound “reasonable” about this issue on the heels of Paris, Jakarta, Germany, Calif, and the rest, is not only stupid, you could say it’s irresponsible and totally anti-American — completely indifferent to the basic security and interests of this country.

  12. What if Kasich is a crazy glue sniffer, build a model airplane he says, the next thing you know there’s money missing off your dresser and your daughter’s knocked up. I’ve seen it a hundred times. Well we’re not buying it!

  13. Hey You! I sometimes feel like a Munchkin in this God-forsaken county — “Come out, come out, wherever you are….”

    Can’t wait to watch the ‘rats red/white striped stockinged feet curl up under the house. LOL.

  14. Just saw this comment and visually it works for me…

    Yeah, Jeb! needs a fez, but it just hit me when that infernal bell rang for the 1573rd time. Marco needs to be wearing a little old time bellhop’s uniform.

    You know, with little pillbox hat held on by a little elastic chin strap. And the pants are floods, a little too short.

    Every time that little bells rings, Marco comes running up to the desk, “Yessir, yessir, right away, sir!”

  15. so far…..Kasich, Carson, Bush are totally done

    Krispy Kreeme is also, but his answers are the best of those that will not get the nomination

    that leaves us Rubio, Cruz & Trump … if we already didn’t know that …..

  16. Ding, ding. “And together, we can come together….for our children and grandchildren, and their (ding, ding) children and their grandchildren and their (ding, ding, ding) grandchildrens’ grandchildren and then for their children and those children’s grandchildren and after their grandchildren, too. (DING, DING) Also, my dad was a mailman. Thank you.”

  17. Fuck Marco Rubio he doesn’t even make it for the important votes. That’s bullshit to let him attack Ted Cruz that many times and not let Cruz have time to state his real positions. Bastids!

  18. I absolutely can’t stand Marco Rubio. He reminds me of Dwight from The Office. Such a little weasel. Go hang out with Chuck Schumer and let Ted Cruz and Trump fix this country.

  19. it’s over……it’s either Cruz, Trump or the republican establishment candidate Rubio

    …I’m going to mellow myself with some John Hiatt……be back in a ‘jiff kiddies…..

  20. January 14, 2016 at 8:14 pm

    BBC on New York values:


    In fact, across the South – in states like Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina – Mr Trump has been immensely popular. Last August, the candidate gave a speech at a football stadium in Mobile, Alabama, that drew an estimated crowd of 30,000 – orders of magnitude above what any other Republican has tallied.


    But as Donald Trump stood in a packed basketball arena on Friday in Rock Hill, South Carolina – the state where the first shots of the US Civil War were fired – it appeared clear that the New York businessman’s appeal transcends accents and upbringing.

    “He’ll take the South,” said Thomas Goodson of Harksville, South Carolina. “No doubt about it.”

    He added that he found the candidate’s New York bluntness refreshing. “He tells you like it is, and it hits you right, square between the eyes.

  21. kasich, crispycream, are there to carry Yeb!’s bags. rubio is there, now, to try to steal bush’s spot.

    How many more of these do we have to endure? There better be fewer people on that stage. Rand Paul should have been there tonight instead of kasich.

  22. Summary –

    Trump polls higher,

    Cruz polls higher,

    Christie gets fatter,

    Rubio becomes more weather-vaningly desperate,

    Kasich gets dumped next debate,

    Carson (Droopy Dog) gets dumped next debate (finally),

    Jeb has already been dumped, but is too stupidly prideful to admit it to himself.

    Ultimately, an election ain’t gonna fix any of America’s issues. America has slipped through our fingers because we not only allowed it, we demanded it.

    Every patriotic, God honoring person in this country should be sick to their stomach. The founders would have started shooting a long, long time ago.

  23. Trump: strong leader on immigration and global (mainly Chinese) economics.
    Cruz: Principled , very coherent, and succinct, exacting.
    Rubio: I see him more strong in 2020.
    Kasich: very intelligable, GREAT advisor.

  24. Rubio showed panic all night. His chicken-shit reading of the laundry list attack against Cruz just shows he is a shallow GOPe
    political hack. Little turd needs more than high heeled shoes to stand up to Cruz and Trump. Rubio needs to go back to the Florida swamps and take his lizard-headed buffoon ex-Governor with him. Two pitiful douche bags.

  25. I would not buy a used car from Rubio. I would not let Kasich deliver my mail. I would not let Bush take care of my cat. I would not let Chirstie in front of me at a buffet. I would let Carson operate on me that is all. I would vote for Cruz in 4 or 8 years. Trump had a few rough answers but all in all he still has my vote.

  26. I’m so grateful that we didn’t have to listen to carly purina tell us how close a relationship she has with “Bibi” and how she would activate the Sixth Fleet — all in that shrill, scolding demeanor.

  27. OK It’s over. I like Trump and Cruz’s closing statements. Truth is I believe all on the stage would make great Presidents, compared to what we have now and what the Socialists are offering on the other side.
    My friend HD sent me an email during the debate, a note to him from an old retired WW11 sailor.. “Hey Hal, they surrendered to a bass boat.” And then they apologized. And Purple Heart Kerry
    thanked the shiek for feeding and releasing them, after humiliating them and US.
    Old Georgie Patton had breakfast with old Ronnie Reagan this morning. Over Eggs Arnold, Georgie said, Hey Mr. President just what the fuck is going on down there?
    Ronnie said “Where”?

  28. Cruz may or may not have had a specific stereotype in mind when he said it and I’m sure he regretted saying it at all — not because he may or may not think NY’ers have bad values, but because he’s usually more careful about what he says. However, he did say it and it’s fair game for response. As far as thinking people without an agenda, that’s assuming that anyone not understanding Cruz’s unstated interpretation is unthinking and with an agenda — and that’s not true.

    I can think of two pop culture refs to NYers off the top of my head that have two different meanings, but were apparently well-known enough to be used in film:

    “Terms of Endearment” — “You must be from New York.” (John Lithgow character to rude grocery checker)

    “The West Wing (pilot)” — “New York sense of humor” (Religious leader to WH staff, interpreted by them as being called New York Jews).

    One may think they know their candidate well enough to “know” what they intended, but that doesn’t give them the right to interpret it for everyone else.

    On the balance, it was just a dumb thing to say and doesn’t mean a lot in the whole scheme of things.

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