GOP Forms Counterweight to EMILY’s List for Conservative Women – IOTW Report

GOP Forms Counterweight to EMILY’s List for Conservative Women

NTK: Republican operatives are in the beginning phases of launching Winning for Women, an organization intended to support GOP women candidates in a similar way that EMILY’s List backs Democratic women.

The group boasts 30,000 pledged supporters, but it has not yet officially launched or unveiled a website, according to Politico.

Winning for Women arose from a series of joint fundraising committees set up over the past two cycles and supported by some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors, including Linda McMahon, Betsy DeVos, Robert and Rebekah Mercer, TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts and his son, Todd, and the hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer. The group hopes to swell its ranks to 400,000 by November 2018, according to a source familiar with the organization’s plans.

The group’s goal? Close the gap between the number of Republican women and Democratic women in public office on the federal level.  More

2 Comments on GOP Forms Counterweight to EMILY’s List for Conservative Women

  1. When The Communists announce “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”, True Conservatives announce the “Wealth Redistribution Empowerment Opportunity Act”. It’s totally different. Totally. Look the name even sucks. And the content is… well… the name’s totally different. And the details will be available next Tuesday. So that’s totally different, too.

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