GOP Happy With Senate Candidate Picks – IOTW Report

GOP Happy With Senate Candidate Picks

If you believe the Washington Post it looks like the Republicans are actually trying to win back the Senate.

The GOP now has solid nominees — backed in most cases by establishment Republicans and hard-core conservatives alike — for five Democratic-held seats in states the president lost: South Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas. It’s unclear whether they can achieve the same feat in Louisiana and Alaska, whose primaries lie ahead.

 Read the rest of the article here



6 Comments on GOP Happy With Senate Candidate Picks

  1. California fucked itself again.

    You know, if ONLY every CA gun owner had any clue they would have all voted for pro-gun Tim Donnelly. Instead, Kashkari the Hindu and Sharia Finance guy won the slot.

    Either way, California loses in November.

    My prediction is that Brown and the Dem legislature will now force-feed one fucked up gun law after another down our throats.

    What do they have to lose?

  2. TSUNAMI, Go to political section. You won’t believe it. Then they cry like little girls and panic buy every time the people that THEY put in office pass Anti Gun Legislation. I’m a year or more away, but I’m out. Need to sell the house yet.

  3. The Rino that won in SD only got 60 % of the vote out of 5 contestants. Thats not much of an endorsement for the winner. Embarrassing actually, as Rounds was a former governor.

  4. AND, it has just been reported that one of the loosing candidates in the republican primary, Dr. Annette Bosworth (rino) has been arrested on 6 federal felony charges relating to ballot petition signatures gathered at the start of her campaign.

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