GOP lawmaker eyes demolishing four NW dams – IOTW Report

GOP lawmaker eyes demolishing four NW dams

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation

Idaho Congressman, U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson, has introduced a plan to breach four existing hydroelectric dams in the Northwest to help improve salmon runs.

It is part of a $33 billion Project that includes extra economic development funds, compensation for lost revenue for certain industries and billions in incentives for farmers.

The dams slated for removal under this plan are the Ice Harbor, Little Goose, Lower Monumental and Lower Granite dams. more

26 Comments on GOP lawmaker eyes demolishing four NW dams

  1. “Part of the plan requires environmental groups pledging not to use lawsuits over federal environmental-protection laws violations.”

    Because environmental groups have been so trustworthy in the past honoring their promises. Sheesh.

  2. The power generated from these hydros is considered a byproduct in creating the reservoirs for irrigation and flood water management. Is this guy being paid off by bill gates to put farmers out of business so his farmland in other areas can enjoy less competition?

  3. When they actually breach one of the dams it would make a terrific photo op for Rep. Simpson.

    You can’t see much of a dam from upstream, so he should position himself downstream at the bottom of the spillway with the dam looming above and behind him. Give him a big button to push to release the dammed up waters. It would make for really great live TV.

  4. Our idiot rug-muncher governor has declared Oregon will be fossil-fuel-free by 2030. At the same time, she and the greenies want all the dams removed, so there goes hydro, and nuclear has been off the table for 50 years. In a good part of the PNW there are more cloudy days than sunny. So I guess it’s going to be unicorn farts after all!

  5. He must be a McMullin(McCain) Republican (by the way, McMullin is forming a uniparty for nevertrumpers and other RINOs). This stinks of something hatched by staffers and lobbyists. They are the real power in government.

    This is only a warning shot from the ecofascists. They will be looking to breach all the dams on the Upper Colorado, starting with Glen Canyon, it being the most hated. Coming soon to an executive order near you.

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