GOP lawmakers to block Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees, say nominee Raskin won’t give information – IOTW Report

GOP lawmakers to block Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees, say nominee Raskin won’t give information

JustTheNews: GOP senators who sit on the chamber’s Banking Committee are planning to block votes on President Biden’s five nominees to the Federal Reserve, says Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, the top-ranking Republican on the panel.

They will reportedly no-show for the scheduled vote. Senate rules require at least two members of the minority party to be there for the panel to pass the nominees out of committee.

Toomey says the chamber’s Republican minority decided to block the nominees after Democrats refused to slow down the nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin, about whom, Toomey says, the committee needs more information. He also argued her  policy views alone are “disqualifying.”

“Until basic questions have been adequately addressed, I do not think the Committee should proceed with a vote on Ms. Raskin,” the retiring senator said.  MORE

9 Comments on GOP lawmakers to block Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees, say nominee Raskin won’t give information

  1. So all Republicans have to do, to prevent President Biden* from appointing apparatchiks under color of law, is to not get off the couch?

    And that’s been too much work, until now?

  2. So the GOP is finally trying to ebb the flow of communist assholes into the government for a change? Probably too little too late, but at least they’re trying for once. But, of course, are they sure they don’t want to be perceived by the democrat run press pool of being “unfair”? Oh lordy!… Then they’ll be just like the democrats! Mustn’t do that! Let them get their way to show how ethical republicans are!

  3. @Anonymous February 16, 2022 at 8:55 am

    > Will they block Sam?

    As long as there’re no pictures of him cavorting in one of those racist misogynist luau shirts, why should they?

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